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this problem can be overcome

  • 1 разрешать

    (= разрешить) permit, allow, enable, authorize Для глагола to allow нельзя использовать вводные обороты типа: It is not allowed to sit here.
    В 1980 г. Смит [1] разрешил данный парадокс, предложив, что... - In 1980, Smith [l] resolved the paradox by suggesting that...
    Он разрешил нам посещать его лекции. - Не allowed us to attend his lectures.
    Очевидно, эту задачу можно разрешить (путем)... - Clearly, this problem can be overcome by...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > разрешать

  • 2 эту трудность можно преодолеть

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > эту трудность можно преодолеть

  • 3 избегать

    (= избежать, избегнуть, см. также обходить) avoid, evade, circumvent ( после avoid может идти герундий, но не инфинитив)
    Если мы введем новую переменную х, то сможем избежать... - If we introduce a new variable x, we can avoid...
    Использование подобной техники позволит избежать этих ошибок. - The use of such techniques will avoid these errors.
    К счастью, этой неприятности можно избежать (следующим образом)... - Fortunately, this difficulty can be overcome by...
    Лучше (всего) избегать - It is best to avoid.
    Мы будем избегать подробного анализа (чего-л). - We will avoid a detailed analysis of...
    Мы избежали этих затруднений, предположив, что... - We avoid these difficulties by assuming that...
    Мы избежим этого затруднения, используя... - We remove this difficulty by using...
    Необходимо избегать подобной процедуры, потому что... - Such a procedure is to be avoided because...
    Один из способов избежать этого затруднения заключается в том, чтобы... - One way out of this difficulty is to...
    Пользуясь такими методами, мы можем избежать... - By such expediencies we can avoid... ''
    Следовательно, невозможно избежать того, что... - It is therefore unavoidable that...
    Чтобы избежать возможности любой двусмысленности или неточности, мы будем... - То avoid any possibility of confusion we shall...
    Чтобы избежать неверного понимания, мы (будем)... - То avoid misunderstanding, we shall...
    Чтобы избежать неуместных усложнений, мы сделаем упрощающее предположение, что... - То avoid undue complication we make the simplifying assumption that...
    Чтобы избежать этого эффекта, необходимо... - То avoid this effect it is necessary to...
    Чтобы избежать эту трудность, можно представить, что... - То obviate this difficulty it may be imagined that...
    Это позволяет избежать необходимости решать, действительно ли... - This avoids the problem of having to decide whether...
    Этого можно избежать, воспользовавшись обыденной идеей, что... - This can be avoided through the common sense view that...
    Этой работы можно избежать, если (применить метод и т. п.)... - This labor may be avoided by...
    Этой ошибки можно было бы избежать, используя... - This error could be avoided by using...
    Этой трудности можно избежать (= обойти)... - This difficulty can be circumvented by...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > избегать

  • 4 справляться

    Русский глагол справляться указывает на какие-либо трудности в преодолении преимущественно отрицательных явлений. Английские соответствия кроме этого общего значения также указывают па характер действия, характер достигнутого им желаемого результата, на сопутствующие обстоятельства и т. п., при этом сами обстоятельства не обязательно имеют отрицательный характер.
    1. to deal (with) — пытаться справиться с чем-либо затруднительным (контролировать ситуацию и правильно действовать для ожителыюго решения проблемы): The government should find way to deal with growing unemployment. — Правительство должно найти пути, чтобы справиться с растущей безвинней./Правительство должно найти пути, чтобы решить проблему растушей безработицы. The situation is so complicated that I really do not know how to deal with it. — Ситуация так сложна, что я даже не знаю, как к ней подступиться. Now that Tom is back home I have no problems with my children, he knows how to deal with naughty spoilt children. — Теперь, когда Том опять дома, у меня нет проблем с детьми. Он знает, как справиться с избалованными и капризными детьми. The problem may be best dealt with by ignoring it. — Возможно, наш лучший способ справиться с этой проблемой — просто игнорировать ее. We don't know how the company is going to deal with the situation. — Нам неизвестно, как компания собирается действовать в создавшихся условиях. My main duty was to deal with the complaints of the customers. — Moeй главной обязанностью было решать вопросы, связанные с жалобами клиентов. Do you think you can deal with all the mail by lunchtime? — Как ты думаешь, ты до ленча справишься со всей этой почтой? I am not sure how we should deal with it. — Я неуверен, как мы должны действовать в данном случае.
    2. to manage — справляться с чем-либо, управляться с чем-либо, управлять (суметь сделать что-либо, справиться с чем-либо очень трудным, особенно после многократных попыток; правильно действовать для достижения положительного результата, направлять действия других для получения лучшего результата): to manage to do smth — суметь что-либо сделать/справиться с чем-либо; to manage smth — справиться с чем-либо Не can't manage the boat alone. — Он один с лодкой не справится. Не finally managed to find a new fiat. — Наконец он сумел найти новую квартиру. She managed to fight off her attacker and escaped down the street. — Она смогла отбросить нападавшего и убежала от него. I've only managed to finish the first three chapters so far. — Пока я справился только с первыми тремя главами. She did not think she could jump that far, but somehow she managed it. — Она не думала, что сможет сделать такой большой прыжок, но все-таки ей это удалось. They are attempting to swim across the English Channel, do you think they will manage it? — Как ты думаешь, они смогут переплыть Ла-Манш?/ Как ты думаешь, их попытка переплыть Ла-Манш увенчается успехом? My aunt managed so well after her husband died. — Моя тетя смогла стойко перенести смерть своего мужа./Моя тетя смогла оправиться после смерти своего мужа. Couldn't you have managed to say something nice about the meal? — Неужели ты не мог сказать хоть что-нибудь приятное о трапезе?/Неужели ты не мог сказать что-нибудь хорошее о еде? I don't know how he manages on what he earns. — Непонятно, как он ухитряется прожить на то малое, что получает./Непонятно, как ему удается прожить на то малое, что он зарабатывает.
    3. to succeed — преуспевать, удаваться, справляться ( успешно сделать что-либо желательное): to succeed in doing smth — добиться чего-либо/успешно сделать что-либо We at last succeeded in making contact with our neighbours. — Нам наконец удалось установить контакт с нашими соседями. He succeeded as a playwright/in business. — Он преуспел как драматург./Он преуспел в делах./Он сделал хорошую карьеру. If you try hard enough, I'm sure you will succeed. — Если ты очень попираешься, я уверен, ты добьешься успеха.
    4. to cope (with) — разрешить что-либо трудное, завершить что-либо трудное: I told her I could not cope with it, I was not well enough. — Я сказал ей, что мне с этим не справиться, так как я был нездоров. She is very inexperienced, but I'm sure she can cope. — Она очень неопытна, но я уверен, что она справится. We must think of a new way of coping with the situation. — Нам надо найти другой выход, чтобы справиться с создавшимся положением.
    5. to overcome — справляться, преодолевать (успешно разрешить или справиться с какой-либо трудной проблемой, предполагает устранение трудностей): I have always wanted to overcome my fear of spiders. — Мне всегда хотелось преодолеть свой страх перед пауками./Мне всегда хотелось справиться со своим страхом перед пауками. I his school overcame the problem of funding by getting a local firm to sponser them. — Эта школа смогла разрешить свои проблемы с финансированием, добившись того, что одна местная фирма стала их спонсировать.
    6. tо come/to get to grips with — справляться, Продумать, подойти вплотную ( к решению чего-либо), разобраться ( как поступать в очень трудных обстоятельствах): The present government hasn't failed to come to grips with the country's economics problem. — Сегодняшнее/нынешнее правительство смогло решить экономические проблемы страны. Teachers must be prepared to spend time getting to grips with, new technology. — Учителя должны быть готовы потратить много времени, чтобы овладеть новой технологией. No country has realty come to grips with the problem of nuclear waste utilization. — Ни одна страна в действительности не смогла решить проблемы утилизации ядерных отходов.
    7. tо have smth under control — справляться, успешно справляться ( с чем-либо), держать ситуацию под контролем ( успешно справиться с создавшимся в данный момент положением): The police have the situation under control. — Полиция держит ситуацию под контролем./Полиция справляется с создавшейся ситуацией. The flight was very bumpy but the pilot assured us that everything was under control. — Хотя самолет очень трясло, летчик уверил нас, что ситуация под контролем.
    8. to rise to the occasion — оказаться на высоте, справиться ( с неожиданной проблемой или неожиданно возникшей ситуацией): Steve, who was seldom surprised by anything, rose to the occasion at once — Стив, которого никогда ничто не удивляло, и на этот раз оказался на высоте./Стив, которого никогда ничто не удивляло, и на этот раз сразу сообразил, что делать. There was a moment's silence, when Stella rising to the occasion said. «Please, come in, gentlemen». — На минуту воцарилось молчание, но Стелла оказалась на высоте, сказав: «Пожалуйста, входите, господа».
    [m1] II
    Русский глагол справляться относится к умению обращаться с материальными объектами, одушевленными предметами и объектами умственной деятельности. В английском языке такое общее значение передается глаголом to deal, остальные эквиваленты, сохраняя это общее значение, уточняют объекты, на которые направлены усилия.
    1. to deal with — справляться ( с чем-либо), пытаться справить ся ( с чем-либо) (справляться с чем-либо трудным, делать что-либо, что бы найти выход из трудного положения или решить трудную проблему): Не is the only person who can deal with this matter. — Он единственным человек, который может справиться с этим делом. The manager will deal with this question. — Этот вопрос рассмотрит и решит управляющий. She is good at dealing with children. — Она умеет справляться с детьми «I'll deal with him» he threatened. — Он пригрозил: «Я им займусь!»
    2. to handle — обращаться с чем-либо, справляться (с кем либо, с чем-либо) ( справляться с положением вещей эффективно и квалифицированио): She could handle anything that went wrong with her car. — Она умела справляться со всякими неполадками в своей машине. Don't worry. I can easily handle it. — He волнуйся, я легко с этим справлюсь. There will be some problems but nothing that you cannot handle. — Возникнет ряд затруднений, но ничего такого, с чем бы ты не справился
    3. to tackle — справляться, справиться (предпринять решительную попытку разрешить трудную проблему или ситуацию, обычно социально значимую): That's the problem, how can we tackle it? — В этом-то и вопрос, как мы это можем решить? Talk to someone who's been through all this, see how they tackled it. — Поговори с кем-нибудь, кто через это прошел, и посмотри, как они в этом случае поступали./Поговори с кем-нибудь, кто через это прошел, посмотри, как они с этим справились./ Поговори с кем-нибудь, кто через это прошел, и посмотри, что они сделали. Successive governments have failed to tackle the question of homelessness. — Все последующие правительства не смогли справиться с проблемой бездомности. The ministry came out with a new initiative to tackle the shortage of teachers. — Министерство выступило с новой инициативой решения проблемы нехватки учителей. They are too powerful for you to tackle on your own. — Они слишком влиятельны, чтобы вы могли справиться с ними в одиночку.
    4. to grapple with — справляться, справиться, пытаться справиться, пытаться решить, биться над чем-либо: to grapple with a problem — биться над проблемой The government continues to grapple with the issue of public transport. — Правительство пытается найти решение проблемы общественного траспорта. We've been grappling with this problem for months, but without success. — Мы бьемся над этой проблемой уже несколько месяцев, но все безуспешно/безрезультатно. We have grappled with a number of moral issues. — Мы искали выход из ряда проблем морального характера.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > справляться

  • 5 escasez

    1 shortage (insuficiencia).
    escasez de mano de obra labor shortage
    2 scarcity, meagerness, lack, shortage.
    * * *
    1 (carencia) scarcity, lack, shortage
    2 (mezquindad) meanness, stinginess
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) scarcity, lack, shortage
    2) want
    * * *
    1) (=insuficiencia) shortage, scarcity más frm

    escasez de aguashortage o scarcity más frm of water

    hay escasez de medicamentos — there is a shortage of medicine, medicine is in short supply

    escasez de mano de obra/viviendas — labour/housing shortage

    2) (=pobreza) poverty
    3) pl escaseces (=apuros)
    4) †† (=tacañería) meanness, stinginess
    * * *
    femenino shortage
    * * *
    = poverty, scarcity, shortage, dearth, paucity, starvation, sparsity, sparseness.
    Ex. The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is an eloquent study of poverty, of fear, and finally of hope as circumstances converge to force Slake from his temporary limbo.
    Ex. The relative scarcity of music automated authority and bibliographic records likewise increases costs.
    Ex. Universities currently facing a shortage of space for books should consider sending a proportion of lesser used journals to the British Library now.
    Ex. One obvious implication of this situation for the humanities is the dearth of relevant databases.
    Ex. So we see extraordinary hardships cheerfully borne (indeed, apparently enjoyed) by zealous mountaineers, earnest single-handed yachtsmen floating round the world, and all-weather fishing-hobbyists sit patiently at the side of, and sometimes in, rivers, undeterred by the paucity of their catches.
    Ex. This approach let to the financial starvation of public libraries.
    Ex. The new and rapidly developing information technology systems can be used to overcome distance and sparsity of population.
    Ex. This problem is referred to as the data sparseness problem = A este problema se le conoce como el problema de la escasez de datos.
    * escasez de agua = water shortage.
    * escasez de alimentos = food scarcity.
    * escasez de crédito = credit crunch, credit squeeze.
    * escasez de información = information scarcity, information underload.
    * escasez de mano de obra = labour shortage.
    * haber escasez de = be in short supply, be at a premium.
    * una escasez de = a dearth of.
    * * *
    femenino shortage
    * * *
    = poverty, scarcity, shortage, dearth, paucity, starvation, sparsity, sparseness.

    Ex: The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is an eloquent study of poverty, of fear, and finally of hope as circumstances converge to force Slake from his temporary limbo.

    Ex: The relative scarcity of music automated authority and bibliographic records likewise increases costs.
    Ex: Universities currently facing a shortage of space for books should consider sending a proportion of lesser used journals to the British Library now.
    Ex: One obvious implication of this situation for the humanities is the dearth of relevant databases.
    Ex: So we see extraordinary hardships cheerfully borne (indeed, apparently enjoyed) by zealous mountaineers, earnest single-handed yachtsmen floating round the world, and all-weather fishing-hobbyists sit patiently at the side of, and sometimes in, rivers, undeterred by the paucity of their catches.
    Ex: This approach let to the financial starvation of public libraries.
    Ex: The new and rapidly developing information technology systems can be used to overcome distance and sparsity of population.
    Ex: This problem is referred to as the data sparseness problem = A este problema se le conoce como el problema de la escasez de datos.
    * escasez de agua = water shortage.
    * escasez de alimentos = food scarcity.
    * escasez de crédito = credit crunch, credit squeeze.
    * escasez de información = information scarcity, information underload.
    * escasez de mano de obra = labour shortage.
    * haber escasez de = be in short supply, be at a premium.
    * una escasez de = a dearth of.

    * * *
    la posguerra fue una época de escasez the postwar period was a time of shortages
    escasez DE algo:
    la escasez de medios hizo que fracasara el plan the lack of resources led to the failure of the plan
    ese verano hubo escasez de agua there was a water shortage that summer
    la escasez de recursos naturales es el problema principal del país the country's main problem is its lack o shortage of natural resources o is the scarcity of its natural resources
    * * *


    escasez sustantivo femenino

    por escasez de medios owing to a lack of resources
    escasez sustantivo femenino shortage

    ' escasez' also found in these entries:
    - concienciar
    - déficit
    - privación
    - insuficiencia
    - mal
    - penuria
    - basic
    - chronic
    - dearth
    - hoard
    - labour
    - lack
    - scarcity
    - shortage
    - undermanning
    * * *
    1. [insuficiencia] shortage;
    hay escasez de agua en esa región there a shortage of water in that region;
    la escasez de población es un problema en la zona the dearth of population is a problem in the area;
    montan espectáculos con gran escasez de medios they put on shows with very slender resources
    2. [pobreza] poverty;
    en tiempos de escasez in times of hardship
    * * *
    f shortage, scarcity
    * * *
    escasez nf, pl - seces : shortage, scarcity
    * * *
    escasez n shortage

    Spanish-English dictionary > escasez

  • 6 reducir

    1 to reduce.
    nos han reducido el sueldo our salary has been cut
    reducir algo a algo to reduce something to something
    reducir algo al absurdo to make a nonsense of something
    Ella redujo la velocidad She reduced the speed.
    2 to suppress, to subdue (someter) (país, ciudad).
    3 to convert (Mat) (convertir).
    4 to set (medicine).
    5 to shorten, to shrink.
    Ellos redujeron las tablas They shortened the boards.
    6 to cut down, to depress, to de-escalate, to deescalate.
    Ellos redujeron los gastos They cut down expenses.
    7 to conquer, to subdue, to subjugate.
    Ellos redujeron a los nativos They conquered the natives.
    8 to hydrogenate.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ CONDUCIR], like link=conducir conducir
    1 (gen) to reduce
    2 (disminuir) to reduce, cut, cut down on
    3 (vencer) to subdue
    4 MEDICINA to set
    5 (una salsa, etc) to reduce, boil down
    1 AUTOMÓVIL to change down, change to a lower gear
    1 (gen) to be reduced; (decrecer) to decrease
    2 (resultar) to come down (a, to)
    * * *
    1) to reduce, cut
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=disminuir)
    a) [en cantidad] [+ gastos, inflación, precio] to reduce, bring down, cut; [+ tensión, ansiedad] to reduce; [+ riesgo] to reduce, lessen

    el autobús redujo su velocidad — the bus reduced speed, the bus slowed down

    el banco redujo su beneficio un 12% — the bank saw its profits fall by 12%

    reducir algo en algo — to reduce sth by sth, cut sth by sth

    tenemos que reducir la producción en un 20% — we have to reduce o cut production by 20%

    reducir a la mínima expresiónto reduce to the bare minimum

    reducir algo al mínimoto reduce o cut sth to the minimum

    reducir algo a la mitadto cut sth by half

    b) [en tiempo] [+ jornada laboral] to reduce, shorten; [+ sentencia] to reduce

    han reducido la mili a nueve mesesthey have reduced o cut military service to nine months

    c) [en tamaño] [+ copia] to reduce; [+ discurso, artículo] to cut down, shorten

    reducir algo a algo —

    a) (=limitar) to limit sth to sth; (=simplificar) to reduce sth to sth
    b) (=convertir) [+ cantidad, medida] to convert sth into sth; [+ fracción, ecuación] to reduce sth into sth
    3) (=someter) [+ ladrón, fugitivo, loco] to overpower; [+ alborotadores] to subdue; [+ fortaleza] to subdue, reduce frm

    reducir a algn a la obedienciato bring sb to heel

    reducir a algn al silencio[por la fuerza, por miedo] to silence sb; [por vergüenza, humillación] to reduce sb to silence

    4) (Med) [+ hueso, hernia] to set, reduce frm
    5) (Quím) to reduce
    6) LAm [en el mercado negro] to get rid of *
    VI (Aut) to change down
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <gastos/costos> to cut, reduce; <velocidad/producción/consumo> to reduce

    reducir al mínimo los riesgosto minimize o to reduce the risks to a minimum

    le redujeron la penathey shortened o reduced his sentence

    reducir algo a su mínima expresión — (Mat) to reduce something to its simplest form

    b) <fotocopia/fotografía> to reduce

    reducir algo A algo: reducir los gramos a milígramos to convert the grams to milligrams; quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes; mis ilusiones quedaron reducidas a la nada — my dreams came to nothing

    b) (Quím) to reduce
    c) (AmS) < objeto robado> to receive, fence (colloq)
    3) ( dominar) <enemigo/rebeldes> to subdue; < ladrón> to overpower
    4) <fractura/hernia> to set, reduce (tech)
    1) (Coc) to reduce, boil down
    2) (Auto) to shift into a lower gear
    reducirse v pron

    reducirse A algo: todo se reduce a tener tacto it all comes down to being tactful; todo se redujo a un paseo por el río — in the end it was just a walk by the river

    * * *
    = abridge, compress, contract, curtail, erode, gut, narrow, prune, reduce, shorten, stifle, lower, cut back (on), cut, cut down (on), deplete, lessen, pare down, keep down + Nombre, retrench, narrow down, whittle (away/down/at), slim down, slow down, slow up, taper, wind + Nombre + down, cut + Nombre + short, scale back, downgrade [down-grade], shave off, shrink, mark + Nombre + down.
    Ex. Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
    Ex. A library of a million volumes could be compressed into one end of a desk.
    Ex. In the face of emergencies, breadth of vision tends to contract, narrowing the range of responses.
    Ex. The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex. These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex. Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.
    Ex. Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that the users may broaden or narrow the search parameters.
    Ex. More balanced schedules were achieved by pruning the 31000 subjects enumerated in the fourteenth edition to 4700.
    Ex. The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.
    Ex. If there are holds on the title, the loan period is shortened to 14 days.
    Ex. Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex. When a forme was in place on the press stone, paper was lowered on to it by means of a tympan and frisket.
    Ex. But higher education, which expanded between 1959 and 1979 from 164,000 to 519,600 students in full-time higher education, has also been cutting back on purchases.
    Ex. 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.
    Ex. Abstracts cut down considerably on legwork in hunting for information.
    Ex. This intermediate grade would equate with the senior library assistant, a category much depleted in UK academic librarianship.
    Ex. Two possible solutions are possible: (1) to lessen the frequency of production, or (2) to reduce the amount of detail in the entries.
    Ex. He said again that we should pare it down to something much more in line with his figures.
    Ex. Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex. In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = En vista del exceso de publicaciones y del creciente escepticismo, este área que una vez estuvo en auge ahora ha venido a menos.
    Ex. By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.
    Ex. However, such idealism is often whittled away over time by bureaucratic problems & organizational demands.
    Ex. The abundance of book types and titles makes display and merchandising increasingly difficult; some booksellers are dealing with this by slimming down or cutting out certain categories.
    Ex. However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
    Ex. Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
    Ex. The tube in the two types tapers almost unnoticeably from base to tip.
    Ex. Not the least of the ironies of this venture is that going ahead with it is as full of hazard as winding it down abruptly.
    Ex. May I just cut you short, because I've discussed this problem with Peter Jacobs just this week.
    Ex. He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex. The opposite of the 'halo effect' -- downgrading someone you dislike but whose work is good -- is also an error.
    Ex. You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
    Ex. The 'false hit' problem still arises, but becomes less likely as the 'neighborhood' of the two words shrinks.
    Ex. They have just marked down all summer handbags to 50 percent off.
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * reducir a cero = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir a la mitad = halve, cut in + half, halve, reduce by + half.
    * reducir a la nada = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir al mínimo = minimise [minimize, -USA], reduce to + a minimum, cut down to + a minimum, keep to + a (bare) minimum, cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a lo mínimo = cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a miniatura = miniaturise [miniaturize, -USA].
    * reducir costes = reduce + costs.
    * reducir de plantilla = downsize.
    * reducir de tamaño = reduce in + size.
    * reducir el esfuerzo = reduce + effort.
    * reducir el impacto = minimise + impact.
    * reducir el papeleo = slash + red tape.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * reducir el presupuesto = cut + monies from + budget.
    * reducir el riesgo = reduce + risk.
    * reducir el tamaño = reduce + size.
    * reducir el tiempo = cut down + time.
    * reducir el valor = reduce + value.
    * reducir gastos = cut + costs, cut + spending, make + economies, make + cuts, reduce + costs.
    * reducir gradualmente = scale down.
    * reducir la burocracia = slash + red tape.
    * reducir la posibilidad = minimise + possibility.
    * reducir la probabilidad = reduce + chances.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * reducir las distancias = reduce + distance, close + the gap.
    * reducir las posibilidades de = narrow + the vision of.
    * reducir los beneficios = cut + profit.
    * reducir los impuestos = cut + taxes.
    * reducir pérdidas = cut down + losses, cut + losses.
    * reducir progresivamente = phase out.
    * reducirse a = boil down to, come down to.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * reducir una limitación = push + limits (further and further back).
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <gastos/costos> to cut, reduce; <velocidad/producción/consumo> to reduce

    reducir al mínimo los riesgosto minimize o to reduce the risks to a minimum

    le redujeron la penathey shortened o reduced his sentence

    reducir algo a su mínima expresión — (Mat) to reduce something to its simplest form

    b) <fotocopia/fotografía> to reduce

    reducir algo A algo: reducir los gramos a milígramos to convert the grams to milligrams; quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes; mis ilusiones quedaron reducidas a la nada — my dreams came to nothing

    b) (Quím) to reduce
    c) (AmS) < objeto robado> to receive, fence (colloq)
    3) ( dominar) <enemigo/rebeldes> to subdue; < ladrón> to overpower
    4) <fractura/hernia> to set, reduce (tech)
    1) (Coc) to reduce, boil down
    2) (Auto) to shift into a lower gear
    reducirse v pron

    reducirse A algo: todo se reduce a tener tacto it all comes down to being tactful; todo se redujo a un paseo por el río — in the end it was just a walk by the river

    * * *
    = abridge, compress, contract, curtail, erode, gut, narrow, prune, reduce, shorten, stifle, lower, cut back (on), cut, cut down (on), deplete, lessen, pare down, keep down + Nombre, retrench, narrow down, whittle (away/down/at), slim down, slow down, slow up, taper, wind + Nombre + down, cut + Nombre + short, scale back, downgrade [down-grade], shave off, shrink, mark + Nombre + down.

    Ex: Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.

    Ex: A library of a million volumes could be compressed into one end of a desk.
    Ex: In the face of emergencies, breadth of vision tends to contract, narrowing the range of responses.
    Ex: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex: These arrangements should also erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.
    Ex: Prices of European produced scientific, technical and medical serials continue to gut US research libraries.
    Ex: Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that the users may broaden or narrow the search parameters.
    Ex: More balanced schedules were achieved by pruning the 31000 subjects enumerated in the fourteenth edition to 4700.
    Ex: The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.
    Ex: If there are holds on the title, the loan period is shortened to 14 days.
    Ex: Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex: When a forme was in place on the press stone, paper was lowered on to it by means of a tympan and frisket.
    Ex: But higher education, which expanded between 1959 and 1979 from 164,000 to 519,600 students in full-time higher education, has also been cutting back on purchases.
    Ex: 'The word's out: all departments have to cut their staffs by 10%' -- Her voice was weak and laden with woe.
    Ex: Abstracts cut down considerably on legwork in hunting for information.
    Ex: This intermediate grade would equate with the senior library assistant, a category much depleted in UK academic librarianship.
    Ex: Two possible solutions are possible: (1) to lessen the frequency of production, or (2) to reduce the amount of detail in the entries.
    Ex: He said again that we should pare it down to something much more in line with his figures.
    Ex: Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.
    Ex: In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = En vista del exceso de publicaciones y del creciente escepticismo, este área que una vez estuvo en auge ahora ha venido a menos.
    Ex: By specifying the fields to be searched, the user can narrow down the search in a very convenient way.
    Ex: However, such idealism is often whittled away over time by bureaucratic problems & organizational demands.
    Ex: The abundance of book types and titles makes display and merchandising increasingly difficult; some booksellers are dealing with this by slimming down or cutting out certain categories.
    Ex: However, the flight from DC appears to have slowed down more quickly than was anticipated, and we no longer read of large numbers of libraries making the change.
    Ex: Since cataloging is the most time consuming part of digitization, it has slowed up the placement of files.
    Ex: The tube in the two types tapers almost unnoticeably from base to tip.
    Ex: Not the least of the ironies of this venture is that going ahead with it is as full of hazard as winding it down abruptly.
    Ex: May I just cut you short, because I've discussed this problem with Peter Jacobs just this week.
    Ex: He first spotted trouble when she started being short with users and so he solved the problem by scaling back her workload.
    Ex: The opposite of the 'halo effect' -- downgrading someone you dislike but whose work is good -- is also an error.
    Ex: You can shave off as much as 50% or even more from your current rate for home insurance in Arizona.
    Ex: The 'false hit' problem still arises, but becomes less likely as the 'neighborhood' of the two words shrinks.
    Ex: They have just marked down all summer handbags to 50 percent off.
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * reducir a cero = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir a la mitad = halve, cut in + half, halve, reduce by + half.
    * reducir a la nada = reduce to + nil.
    * reducir al mínimo = minimise [minimize, -USA], reduce to + a minimum, cut down to + a minimum, keep to + a (bare) minimum, cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a lo mínimo = cut to + the bone.
    * reducir a miniatura = miniaturise [miniaturize, -USA].
    * reducir costes = reduce + costs.
    * reducir de plantilla = downsize.
    * reducir de tamaño = reduce in + size.
    * reducir el esfuerzo = reduce + effort.
    * reducir el impacto = minimise + impact.
    * reducir el papeleo = slash + red tape.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * reducir el presupuesto = cut + monies from + budget.
    * reducir el riesgo = reduce + risk.
    * reducir el tamaño = reduce + size.
    * reducir el tiempo = cut down + time.
    * reducir el valor = reduce + value.
    * reducir gastos = cut + costs, cut + spending, make + economies, make + cuts, reduce + costs.
    * reducir gradualmente = scale down.
    * reducir la burocracia = slash + red tape.
    * reducir la posibilidad = minimise + possibility.
    * reducir la probabilidad = reduce + chances.
    * reducir las diferencias = bridge + the gap, bridge + the divide, bridge + the chasm, bridge + the gulf, close + the gap.
    * reducir las diferencias entre... y = narrow + the gap between... and.
    * reducir las distancias = reduce + distance, close + the gap.
    * reducir las posibilidades de = narrow + the vision of.
    * reducir los beneficios = cut + profit.
    * reducir los impuestos = cut + taxes.
    * reducir pérdidas = cut down + losses, cut + losses.
    * reducir progresivamente = phase out.
    * reducirse a = boil down to, come down to.
    * reducirse poco a poco = dribble off.
    * reducir una limitación = push + limits (further and further back).
    * reducir una palabra a su raíz = stem.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.

    * * *
    reducir [I6 ]
    1 ‹gastos/costos› to cut, cut down on, reduce; ‹velocidad› to reduce; ‹producción/consumo› to reduce
    hemos reducido el número de casos we have brought down o reduced the number of cases
    redujeron el número de plazas they cut the number of places o the number of places was reduced
    han prometido reducir los impuestos they have promised to cut o reduce taxes
    con esto se intenta reducir al mínimo el riesgo de infección this is intended to minimize o to reduce to a minimum the risk of infection
    ejercicios para reducir (la) cintura exercises to reduce your waistline
    reducir algo A algo to reduce sth TO sth
    han reducido el texto a 50 páginas they have shortened o reduced the text to fifty pages
    le han reducido la pena a dos años they have commuted o shortened o reduced his sentence to two years
    la población quedó reducida a la mitad the population was reduced to half of its former size
    reducir algo a su mínima expresión ( Mat) to reduce sth to its simplest expression o form
    el suéter quedó reducido a su mínima expresión ( hum); the sweater shrank to nothing
    reducir algo EN algo to reduce sth BY sth
    pretenden reducir el gasto en cinco millones they aim to reduce costs by five million
    2 ‹fotocopia/fotografía› to reduce
    1 (transformar) reducir algo A algo:
    reducir los gramos a miligramos to convert the grams to milligrams
    reducir quebrados a un mínimo común denominador to reduce fractions to their lowest common denominator
    quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes
    2 ( Quím) to reduce
    3 ( AmS) ‹objeto robado› to receive, fence ( colloq)
    C (dominar, someter) ‹enemigo/rebeldes› to subdue; ‹ladrón› to overpower
    reducir a un pueblo a la esclavitud to reduce a people to slavery
    D ‹fractura/hernia› to set, reduce ( tech)
    E (CS) ‹cadáver/restos mortales› to exhume ( for reburial in a niche or smaller coffin)
    ■ reducir
    A ( Coc) to reduce, boil down
    dejar reducir la salsa leave the sauce to boil down o reduce
    B ( Auto) to shift into a lower gear, change down ( BrE)
    reducirse A algo:
    todo se reduce a saber interpretar las cifras it all comes down to knowing how to interpret the figures
    todo se redujo a una visita a la catedral y un paseo por el río in the end it was just a visit to the cathedral and a walk along the river
    * * *


    reducir ( conjugate reducir) verbo transitivo
    a)gastos/costos to cut, reduce;

    velocidad/producción/consumo to reduce;

    reducir algo A algo to reduce sth to sth;
    reducir algo EN algo to reduce sth by sth
    b)fotocopia/fotografía to reduce


    quedaron reducidos a cenizas they were reduced to ashes
    b) (AmS) ‹ objeto robado to receive, fence (colloq)

    3 ( dominar) ‹enemigo/rebeldes to subdue;
    ladrón to overpower
    reducirse verbo pronominal:

    I verbo transitivo
    1 (disminuir) to reduce
    reducir algo en algo, to reduce sthg by sthg
    (gastos, consumo, etc) to cut (down), minimize
    2 (convertir, transformar) to reduce: el incendio redujo el bosque a cenizas, the fire reduced the wood to ashes
    3 (subyugar) to subdue
    II vi Auto to change down, US to downshift

    ' reducir' also found in these entries:
    - ceniza
    - encaminada
    - encaminado
    - moler
    - disminuir
    - minimizar
    - mínimo
    - mira
    - austerity
    - ax
    - axe
    - change down
    - corner
    - curtail
    - cut
    - cut back
    - cut down
    - decrease
    - deficit
    - deplenish
    - deplete
    - depress
    - downsize
    - effective
    - halve
    - lighten
    - lower
    - narrow down
    - prune
    - pulp
    - rate
    - receive
    - reduce
    - retrench
    - scale down
    - shorten
    - slow
    - wind down
    - bring
    - cost
    - deaden
    - decelerate
    - diminish
    - discount
    - get
    - lessen
    - loss
    - minimize
    - over
    - pare
    - scale
    - slacken
    - traffic
    - whittle
    - wind
    * * *
    1. [disminuir] to reduce;
    [gastos, costes, impuestos, plantilla] to cut; [producción] to cut (back on);
    nos han reducido el sueldo our salary has been cut;
    reduzca la velocidad [en letrero] reduce speed now;
    reducir algo a algo to reduce sth to sth;
    el edificio quedó reducido a escombros the building was reduced to a pile of rubble;
    reducir algo al mínimo to reduce sth to a minimum;
    reducir algo a o [m5] en la mitad to reduce sth by half;
    tú todo lo reduces a tener dinero the only thing you care about is money;
    reducir a la mínima expresión to cut down to the bare minimum
    2. [fotocopia] to reduce
    3. [someter] [país, ciudad] to suppress, to subdue;
    [atracador, ladrón, sublevados] to overpower
    4. Mat [unidades de medida] to convert (a to); [fracciones, ecuaciones] to cancel out
    5. Med [hueso] to set
    6. Quím to reduce
    7. Culin [guiso, salsa] to reduce
    8. Andes, RP [objetos robados] to receive, to fence
    9. RP [cadáver] to exhume [for reburial in smaller container]
    1. [en el automóvil]
    reducir (de marcha o [m5] velocidad) to change down;
    reduce a tercera change down into third (gear)
    2. Culin [guiso, salsa] to reduce
    * * *
    1 reduce (a to); gastos cut;
    reducir personal cut jobs, reduce staff numbers;
    reducir la marcha AUTO downshift, shift into a lower gear
    2 MIL overcome
    * * *
    reducir {61} vt
    1) disminuir: to reduce, to decrease, to cut
    2) : to subdue
    3) : to boil down
    * * *
    reducir vb to reduce

    Spanish-English dictionary > reducir

  • 7 dejar

    1 to leave, to put.
    dejó los papeles en la mesa he put o left the papers on the table
    deja el abrigo en la percha put your coat on the hanger
    he dejado la moto muy cerca I've left o parked my motorbike nearby
    Ricardo dejó a Ilse Richard left Ilse.
    Fuss dejó a Ricardo en la escuela Fuss left=dropped off Richard at school.
    Dejé mi trabajo anterior I left my former job.
    El viejo le dejó su dinero a su hijo The old man left his money to his son.
    2 to leave (abandonar) (casa, trabajo, país).
    dejar algo por imposible to give something up as a lost cause
    dejar a alguien atrás to leave somebody behind
    su marido la ha dejado her husband has left her
    te dejo, tengo que irme I have to leave you now, I must go
    3 to leave out.
    dejar algo por o sin hacer to fail to do something
    dejó lo más importante por resolver he left the most important question unresolved
    4 to forget (about).
    ¡déjame, que tengo trabajo! leave me alone, I'm busy!
    déjame tranquilo o en paz leave me alone o in peace
    déjalo, no importa forget it, it doesn't matter
    5 to leave behind, to clear out of, to leave.
    Missy dejó su bolso en su apuro Missy left behind her purse in the rush.
    6 to be given, to inherit, to receive.
    Se me dejó dinero en el testamento I was given money in the will.
    7 to let, to allow to.
    Dejé al perro salir a la calle I allowed the dog to go outside.
    8 to be allowed to.
    Se nos dejó ir We were allowed to go.
    9 to be left.
    Se nos dejó asombrados We were left astonished.
    10 to quit, to give up, to abandon, to relinquish.
    Ella dejó y se fue She quitted and left.
    11 to lend, to lend out.
    * * *
    1 (colocar) to leave, put
    2 (abandonar - persona, lugar) to leave; (- hábito, cosa, actividad) to give up
    3 (permitir) to allow, let
    4 (prestar) to lend
    5 (ceder) to give
    6 (producir dinero) to bring in, make
    7 (producir humo, ceniza) to produce, leave
    8 (esperar) to wait
    9 (aplazar) to put off
    10 (omitir) to leave out, omit
    12 (legar) to bequeath, leave
    1 dejar de + inf (cesar - voluntariamente) to stop + gerund, give up + gerund; (- involuntariamente) to stop + gerund
    2 no dejar de + inf not to fail to + inf
    3 dejar + past participle
    1 (abandonarse) to neglect oneself, let oneself go
    2 (olvidar) to forget, leave behind
    3 (permitir) to let oneself, allow oneself to
    1 (cesar) to stop
    dejar algo por imposible to give up on something
    dejar caer to drop
    dejar en paz to leave alone
    dejar frío,-a figurado to leave cold
    dejar mal a alguien to make somebody look bad
    dejar plantado,-a a alguien to stand somebody up
    dejar preocupado,-a to worry
    dejarse caer to drop, fall 2 (en casa de alguien) to drop in
    dejarse llevar por alguien to be influenced by somebody
    dejarse llevar por algo to get carried away with something
    dejarse oír (gen) to be heard 2 (gritar) to make oneself heard
    dejarse sentir el frío/verano/invierno to feel the cold/summer/winter
    * * *
    4) let
    5) allow, permit
    - dejarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones dar importancia, dar ejemplo, dar las gracias, dar clases, dar a conocer, dar a entender, darse prisa, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=poner, soltar) to leave

    dejé 1.500 euros de entrada — I put down 1,500 euros as a deposit

    dejar algo [aparte] — to leave sth aside

    dejar [atrás] — [+ corredor, vehículo adelantado, competidor] to leave behind

    se vino de Holanda, dejando atrás a su familia — he came over from Holland, leaving his family behind

    dejar algo a un [lado] — to set sth aside

    2) [al desaparecer, morir] to leave
    3) (=guardar)

    ¿me habéis dejado algo de tarta? — have you left {o} saved me some cake?

    4) (=abandonar)
    a) [+ actividad, empleo] to give up

    dejar la [bebida] — to give up drink, stop drinking

    b) [+ persona, lugar] to leave
    c) [en coche] to drop off

    ¿te dejo en tu casa? — shall I drop you off at your place?

    5) (=no molestar)

    deja ya el ordenador, que lo vas a romper — leave the computer alone, you're going to break it

    déjame, quiero estar solo — leave me be, I want to be alone

    ¡déjalo! — (=¡no hagas eso!) stop it!; (=no te preocupes) forget it!, don't worry about it!

    dejar [así] las cosas — to leave things as they are

    ¡déjame [en paz]!, ¡déjame [tranquilo]! — leave me alone!

    6) (=posponer)

    dejar algo [para] — to leave sth till

    7) (=prestar) to lend

    ¿me dejas diez euros? — can you lend me ten euros?

    ¿me dejas el coche? — can I borrow the car?, will you lend me the car?

    8) (=permitir) + infin to let

    dejar pasar a algn — to let sb through {o} past

    dejar que ({+ subjun})

    dejar que las cosas vayan de mal en peor — to let things go {o} allow things to go from bad to worse

    9) [indicando resultado]
    + adj

    me dejó confundido — she left me confused, she confused me

    dejar algo [como nuevo], me han dejado el abrigo como nuevo — my coat was as good as new when it came back from them

    10) (=producir)
    [+ dinero]
    11) dejar que (=esperar)

    deja que me toque la lotería y verás — just wait till I win the lottery, then you'll see

    12) (=omitir) to leave out, forget
    VERBO INTRANSITIVO [con una actividad]

    deja, ya lo hago yo — leave it, I'll do it

    deja, yo lo pago — no {o} it's all right, I'll pay for it

    dejar de hacer algo [por un momento] to stop doing sth; [por una temporada] to give up doing sth, stop doing sth

    cuando deje de llover — when it stops raining, when the rain stops

    ¡déja de hacer eso! — stop that!

    yo dejé de ir hace muchos años — I gave up {o} stopped going years ago

    no puedo dejar de fumar — I can't give up {o} stop smoking

    cuando murió su padre dejó de comer — when her father died she stopped eating {o} she went off her food

    no dejar de ({+ infin})

    no dejes de visitarlos — don't fail to visit them, make sure you visit them

    DEJAR Dejar en el sentido de prestar se puede traducir al inglés empleando borrow o lend. Borrow se usa cuando el sujeto es quien pide (significa tomar prestado) y lend cuando el sujeto es quien da (significa dejar prestado): ¿Me dejas tus botas de esquiar? Can I borrow your ski boots? o Can you lend me your ski boots? ¿Me podrías dejar tu reloj? Could I borrow your watch? o Could you lend me your watch? NOTA: Borrow y lend no se utilizan normalmente con cosas que no pueden trasladarse de un sitio a otro: ¿Me dejas tu casa de campo este fin de semana? Can I use your house in the country this weekend? Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( en lugar determinado) to leave

    lo dejé en recepción/en la mesa — I left it in reception/on the table

    ¿cuánto se deja de propina? — how much do you leave as a tip?

    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa — leave her alone, it wasn't her fault

    dejar mucho que desearto leave a great deal to be desired

    b) ( olvidar) to leave
    c) ( como herencia) to leave
    a) <marca/mancha/huella> to leave
    b) < ganancia> to produce
    3) ( abandonar) <novia/marido> to leave; < familia> to leave, abandon; < trabajo> to give up, leave; < lugar> to leave
    4) (+ compl)
    a) ( en cierto estado) to leave

    el avión/bus nos dejó — (Col, Ven) we missed the plane/bus

    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos — he let me have it for 1,000 pesos

    dejar algo/a alguien estar — to let something/somebody be (colloq), to leave something/somebody alone; lado 5)

    b) (CS)
    a) ( posponer) leave

    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora — don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now

    b) (reservar, guardar) <espacio/margen> to leave
    6) ( permitir)

    dejar algo/a alguien + inf — to let something/somebody + inf

    déjalo entrar/salir — let it/him in/out

    ¿me dejas ir? — will you let me go?

    dejar que algo/alguien + subj — to let somebody/something + inf


    dejar caer< objeto> to drop; < comentario> to let... drop

    a) ( cesar)

    dejar de + inf — to stop -ing

    deja de llorar/importunarme — stop crying/bothering me

    b) (omitir, no hacer)

    dejar de + inf: no dejes de escribirme en cuanto llegues make sure you write as soon as you get there; no dejes de recordarles que... be sure to remind them that...; es algo que no deja de sorprenderme — it's something I still find surprising

    dejarse v pron
    a) ( abandonarse) to let oneself go

    dejarse + inf: se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him; se deja convencer fácilmente he's easily persuaded; dejarse llevar por la música to let oneself be carried along by the music; no te dejes, tú también pégale (AmL exc RPl) don't just take it, hit him back (colloq); nunca te dejas ver we never seem to see you; dejarse estar (AmL): no te dejes estar you'd better do something; si nos dejamos estar vamos a perder el contrato — if we don't get our act together we'll lose the contract

    2) <barba/bigote> to grow
    3) (esp Esp fam) ( olvidar) to leave

    me dejé el dinero en casa — I left my/the money at home

    4) dejarse de (fam)

    déjate de lamentaciones/de rodeos — stop complaining/beating about the bush

    * * *
    = cease, dump, leave, let, forsake, put down, drop off, maroon, flake out, let + go of, go + cold turkey, leave off, walk out on.
    Ex. After collection has ceased (because a point of diminishing returns appears to have been reached), the cards must be put into groups of 'like' terms.
    Ex. The books may simply be laid before the librarian as they are found, ' dumped in his lap', as one writer puts it.
    Ex. Many libraries are reluctant to reclassify stock and many libraries leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after the earlier edition has been superseded.
    Ex. If the user does not know what the answer is, he stops the command chain at that point, lets the system show an intermediate display for guidance, and then continues his work.
    Ex. Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.
    Ex. The implication is that these are books to be picked up, looked at, leafed through and put down again.
    Ex. That they received regular visits from people who dropped off packages on a regular basis along with money.
    Ex. A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, the novel 'Lord of the Flies' is an enigmatic and provocative piece of literature.
    Ex. The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex. For one, large areas of city were in the hands of the Mafia, who was not eager to let got of their vested interests.
    Ex. Judging by the critical responses to the article so far, it looks like the world isn't quite ready to go cold turkey on its religion addiction.
    Ex. This book takes up the thread where Volume One left off.
    Ex. There are many thankless jobs in this world, but does that mean you can just walk out on them for your own selfish reasons?.
    * como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.
    * dejando a un lado = apart from.
    * dejar a Alguien atónito = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien boquiabierto = leave + Nombre + gagging, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien colgado = hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien embarazada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en estado = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en la cuneta = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien en la estacada = leave + Alguien + in the lurch, hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * dejar a Alguien estupefacto = leave + Nombre + speechless, astound, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien inconsciente = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien patidifuso = make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien plantado = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien preñada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe como pueda = leave + Alguien + to sink or swim.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las arregle solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien sin sentido = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar a Alguien sin un duro = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar abierta la posibilidad de que = leave + open the possibility that.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar a la posteridad = bequeath to + posterity.
    * dejar al descubierto = lay + bare.
    * dejar Algo a la suerte = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al azar = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al criterio de Alguien = leave + Nombre + up to.
    * dejar Algo aparcado = put + Nombre + on ice, put + Nombre + on mothballs.
    * dejar Algo completamente destrozado = leave + Nombre + in shambles.
    * dejar Algo para otro día = take + a rain cheque.
    * dejar a oscuras = cut out + light.
    * dejar aparte = leave + aside.
    * dejar a + Posesivo + suerte = strand.
    * dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.
    * dejar atónito = stun, astound.
    * dejar atrás = leave + behind, outstrip, outpace, outdistance, leave + Nombre + behind, leave by + the wayside, move on from.
    * dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.
    * dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.
    * dejar bastante que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar caer = drop, dump.
    * dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.
    * dejar caer un indirecta = drop + a hint.
    * dejar ciego = blind.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, hammer + home + message, make + plain, send + a clear signal that.
    * dejar claro que = make + the point that.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar constancia de = record.
    * dejar de = cease to, relax + the grip on.
    * dejar de actualizar el catálogo = close down + catalogue.
    * dejar de circular = drop out of + circulation.
    * dejar de existir = be no more.
    * dejar de fumar = stop + smoking, quit + smoking, smoking cessation.
    * dejar de funcionar = go down, cease to + function, go + belly up, flake out, go + dead, pack up.
    * dejar de gustar = go off.
    * dejar de hacer huelga = cross + the picket line.
    * dejar de hacer sufrir = put + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + misery.
    * dejar de + Infinitivo = skip + Gerundio, give up + Gerundio, stop + Gerundio.
    * dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].
    * dejar de percatarse de = become + blind to.
    * dejar de pie = leave + standing.
    * dejar de publicarse = cease + publication.
    * dejar de remar = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * dejar desamparado = leave + Nombre + out in the cold, leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de ser actual = date.
    * dejar de ser popular = outlive + Posesivo + popularity.
    * dejar de ser útil = outlive + Posesivo + usefulness.
    * dejar desguarnecido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de sonreír = extinguish + smile.
    * dejar desprotegido = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar desvalido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de trabajar temporalmente = career break.
    * dejar de ver = become + blind to.
    * dejar dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.
    * dejar el agua correr = let bygones be bygones.
    * dejar el hábito = kick + the habit.
    * dejar el nido = fly + the nest, leave + the nest.
    * dejar el puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar el trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post, quit + Posesivo + job, jump + ship.
    * dejar en adobo = marinade.
    * dejar en blanco = leave + blank.
    * dejar encargado = leave in + charge.
    * dejar en el dique seco = mothball.
    * dejar en evidencia = call + Posesivo + bluff.
    * dejar en garantía = pledge.
    * dejar en herencia = bequeath.
    * dejar en la cuneta = ditch.
    * dejar en la estacada = leave + Nombre + high and dry, be left out on a limb.
    * dejar en libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar en prenda = pledge.
    * dejar en remojo = steep.
    * dejar en ridículo = make + a joke of, put + Nombre + to shame.
    * dejar en segundo plano = overshadow.
    * dejar en suspenso = put into + abeyance.
    * dejar en testamento = will.
    * dejar entrever = provide + a glimpse of, hint, insinuate, hint at, give + a hint, intimate.
    * dejar escapar a Alguien = let + Nombre + escape.
    * dejar espacio para = leave + room for.
    * dejar estupefacto = stagger.
    * dejar frío a Alguien = knock + Nombre + cold.
    * dejar frío y vacío = leave + Nombre + cold and empty.
    * dejar fuera = leave out, cut out, count + Nombre + out, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * dejar fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * dejar hecho polvo = screw + Nombre + up.
    * dejar huella = leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + a trace, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar huellas = leave + footprints.
    * dejar huérfano = orphan.
    * dejar incompleto = leave + unfinished.
    * dejar inconsciente = overcome, knock + the hell out out of, leave + unconscious.
    * dejar indefenso = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar intacto = leave + intact, leave + untouched.
    * dejar la cuestión abierta = leave + the question open.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * dejar la puerta abierta a = open + the door to.
    * dejar la puerta abierta de par en par = leave + the door wide open.
    * dejar las armas = put down + weapons.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + the matter + rest, let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las cosas tranquilas = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.
    * dejar la tierra en barbecho = let + farmland lie fallow.
    * dejar libertad para + Infinitivo = leave + Nombre + free to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.
    * dejar limpio a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar lisiado = lame.
    * dejarlo a la discreción de = leave + it to the discretion of.
    * dejarlo en paz = give + it a rest, let + it drop.
    * dejarlo para última hora = leave + it until the last minute.
    * dejar los campos en barbecho = let + fields lie fallow.
    * dejar los estudios = drop out (from school), drop out of + school.
    * dejar marcado = scar.
    * dejar margen = allow + margin.
    * dejar mella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar para cuando = move to + a time when.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * dejar pasmado = stagger.
    * dejar paso = step + aside.
    * dejar paso (a) = give + way (to).
    * dejar pelado a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar perplejo = puzzle, mystify, perplex, stump, blow + Posesivo + mind, bewilder, nonplus.
    * dejar plantado = walk out on.
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se las arregle solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se vaya = let + Nombre + go.
    * dejar que desear = leave + something + to be desired, leave + a bit to be desired.
    * dejar que se pudra = leave to + rot.
    * dejar que + Subjuntivo = allow + Infinitivo.
    * dejar rastro = leave + a trace.
    * dejarse arrastrar = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse arrastrar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.
    * dejarse el pellejo = play out + Posesivo + skin, work + Posesivo + butt off, sweat + blood, slog + Posesivo + guts out, give + Posesivo + all.
    * dejarse el pellejo trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse embaucar = get + sucked in.
    * dejarse engañar = fall for, get + sucked in.
    * dejarse guiar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse la piel = sweat + blood, work + Posesivo + butt off, slog + Posesivo + guts out, play out + Posesivo + skin.
    * dejarse la piel trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse llevar = become + carried away by, drift along, drift, coast along, go with + the flow, let + go, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse llevar fácilmente = be easily led.
    * dejarse llevar (por) = fall + victim to, give + way (to).
    * dejarse llevar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse llevar por el pánico = panic.
    * dejarse llevar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse ver = have + visibility.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin palabras = leave + Nombre + speechless, nonplus.
    * dejar sin poder = disempower.
    * dejar sin protección = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar sitio (a) = make + room (for), make + way (for).
    * dejar solo = leave + Alguien + alone, leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar su impronta en = set + Posesivo + stamp on.
    * dejar tiempo = free up + time.
    * dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.
    * dejar tirado = strand, walk out on.
    * dejar tranquilo = leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar tras sí = leave + behind.
    * dejar una cicatriz = scar.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting impression, leave + a lasting memory.
    * dejar una impresión = leave with + the impression, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar una marca = leave + Posesivo + mark.
    * dejar una pista = leave + a trace.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un cargo = resign + office, step down from + Posesivo + position, leave + office.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un hábito = stop + habit.
    * dejar un hueco = leave + gap.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + position.
    * dejar un reguero de = leave + a trail of.
    * dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * dejar un trabajo = quit, resign + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar vacante = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vacío = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vulnerable = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre/Reflexivo + vulnerable.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desaparecer sin dejar rastro = evaporate into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desapareder sin dejar rastro = vanish into + thin air.
    * estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.
    * golpear a Alguien hasta dejarlo inconsciente = beat + Nombre + unconscious.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + de = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasised.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + of = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstressed, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persuadir a Alguien para que deje Algo = lure away from.
    * programa + dejar de funcionar = programme + crash.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sistema + dejar de funcionar = system + crash.
    * vive y deja vivir = live and let live.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( en lugar determinado) to leave

    lo dejé en recepción/en la mesa — I left it in reception/on the table

    ¿cuánto se deja de propina? — how much do you leave as a tip?

    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa — leave her alone, it wasn't her fault

    dejar mucho que desearto leave a great deal to be desired

    b) ( olvidar) to leave
    c) ( como herencia) to leave
    a) <marca/mancha/huella> to leave
    b) < ganancia> to produce
    3) ( abandonar) <novia/marido> to leave; < familia> to leave, abandon; < trabajo> to give up, leave; < lugar> to leave
    4) (+ compl)
    a) ( en cierto estado) to leave

    el avión/bus nos dejó — (Col, Ven) we missed the plane/bus

    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos — he let me have it for 1,000 pesos

    dejar algo/a alguien estar — to let something/somebody be (colloq), to leave something/somebody alone; lado 5)

    b) (CS)
    a) ( posponer) leave

    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora — don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now

    b) (reservar, guardar) <espacio/margen> to leave
    6) ( permitir)

    dejar algo/a alguien + inf — to let something/somebody + inf

    déjalo entrar/salir — let it/him in/out

    ¿me dejas ir? — will you let me go?

    dejar que algo/alguien + subj — to let somebody/something + inf


    dejar caer< objeto> to drop; < comentario> to let... drop

    a) ( cesar)

    dejar de + inf — to stop -ing

    deja de llorar/importunarme — stop crying/bothering me

    b) (omitir, no hacer)

    dejar de + inf: no dejes de escribirme en cuanto llegues make sure you write as soon as you get there; no dejes de recordarles que... be sure to remind them that...; es algo que no deja de sorprenderme — it's something I still find surprising

    dejarse v pron
    a) ( abandonarse) to let oneself go

    dejarse + inf: se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him; se deja convencer fácilmente he's easily persuaded; dejarse llevar por la música to let oneself be carried along by the music; no te dejes, tú también pégale (AmL exc RPl) don't just take it, hit him back (colloq); nunca te dejas ver we never seem to see you; dejarse estar (AmL): no te dejes estar you'd better do something; si nos dejamos estar vamos a perder el contrato — if we don't get our act together we'll lose the contract

    2) <barba/bigote> to grow
    3) (esp Esp fam) ( olvidar) to leave

    me dejé el dinero en casa — I left my/the money at home

    4) dejarse de (fam)

    déjate de lamentaciones/de rodeos — stop complaining/beating about the bush

    * * *
    = cease, dump, leave, let, forsake, put down, drop off, maroon, flake out, let + go of, go + cold turkey, leave off, walk out on.

    Ex: After collection has ceased (because a point of diminishing returns appears to have been reached), the cards must be put into groups of 'like' terms.

    Ex: The books may simply be laid before the librarian as they are found, ' dumped in his lap', as one writer puts it.
    Ex: Many libraries are reluctant to reclassify stock and many libraries leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after the earlier edition has been superseded.
    Ex: If the user does not know what the answer is, he stops the command chain at that point, lets the system show an intermediate display for guidance, and then continues his work.
    Ex: Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.
    Ex: The implication is that these are books to be picked up, looked at, leafed through and put down again.
    Ex: That they received regular visits from people who dropped off packages on a regular basis along with money.
    Ex: A seemingly simple tale of schoolboys marooned on an island, the novel 'Lord of the Flies' is an enigmatic and provocative piece of literature.
    Ex: The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.
    Ex: For one, large areas of city were in the hands of the Mafia, who was not eager to let got of their vested interests.
    Ex: Judging by the critical responses to the article so far, it looks like the world isn't quite ready to go cold turkey on its religion addiction.
    Ex: This book takes up the thread where Volume One left off.
    Ex: There are many thankless jobs in this world, but does that mean you can just walk out on them for your own selfish reasons?.
    * como el perro del hortelano que ni come ni deja comer = a dog in the manger.
    * dejando a un lado = apart from.
    * dejar a Alguien atónito = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien boquiabierto = leave + Nombre + gagging, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien colgado = hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien embarazada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en estado = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien en la cuneta = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien en la estacada = leave + Alguien + in the lurch, hang + Nombre + out to dry.
    * dejar a Alguien en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * dejar a Alguien estupefacto = leave + Nombre + speechless, astound, make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien inconsciente = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien patidifuso = make + Posesivo + eyes + pop (out).
    * dejar a Alguien plantado = leave + Alguien + in the lurch.
    * dejar a Alguien preñada = knock + Alguien + up.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe como pueda = leave + Alguien + to sink or swim.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las apañe solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien que se las arregle solo = leave + Pronombre + to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless, leave + Nombre + speechless.
    * dejar a Alguien sin sentido = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * dejar a Alguien sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar a Alguien sin un duro = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar abierta la posibilidad de que = leave + open the possibility that.
    * dejar a la buena de Dios = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar a la posteridad = bequeath to + posterity.
    * dejar al descubierto = lay + bare.
    * dejar Algo a la suerte = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al azar = leave + Nombre + to chance.
    * dejar Algo al criterio de Alguien = leave + Nombre + up to.
    * dejar Algo aparcado = put + Nombre + on ice, put + Nombre + on mothballs.
    * dejar Algo completamente destrozado = leave + Nombre + in shambles.
    * dejar Algo para otro día = take + a rain cheque.
    * dejar a oscuras = cut out + light.
    * dejar aparte = leave + aside.
    * dejar a + Posesivo + suerte = strand.
    * dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.
    * dejar atónito = stun, astound.
    * dejar atrás = leave + behind, outstrip, outpace, outdistance, leave + Nombre + behind, leave by + the wayside, move on from.
    * dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.
    * dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.
    * dejar bastante que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar caer = drop, dump.
    * dejar caer insinuaciones = throw + hints.
    * dejar caer un indirecta = drop + a hint.
    * dejar ciego = blind.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, hammer + home + message, make + plain, send + a clear signal that.
    * dejar claro que = make + the point that.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar constancia de = record.
    * dejar de = cease to, relax + the grip on.
    * dejar de actualizar el catálogo = close down + catalogue.
    * dejar de circular = drop out of + circulation.
    * dejar de existir = be no more.
    * dejar de fumar = stop + smoking, quit + smoking, smoking cessation.
    * dejar de funcionar = go down, cease to + function, go + belly up, flake out, go + dead, pack up.
    * dejar de gustar = go off.
    * dejar de hacer huelga = cross + the picket line.
    * dejar de hacer sufrir = put + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + misery.
    * dejar de + Infinitivo = skip + Gerundio, give up + Gerundio, stop + Gerundio.
    * dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].
    * dejar de percatarse de = become + blind to.
    * dejar de pie = leave + standing.
    * dejar de publicarse = cease + publication.
    * dejar de remar = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * dejar desamparado = leave + Nombre + out in the cold, leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de ser actual = date.
    * dejar de ser popular = outlive + Posesivo + popularity.
    * dejar de ser útil = outlive + Posesivo + usefulness.
    * dejar desguarnecido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de sonreír = extinguish + smile.
    * dejar desprotegido = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre + out in the cold.
    * dejar desvalido = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar de trabajar temporalmente = career break.
    * dejar de ver = become + blind to.
    * dejar dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.
    * dejar el agua correr = let bygones be bygones.
    * dejar el hábito = kick + the habit.
    * dejar el nido = fly + the nest, leave + the nest.
    * dejar el puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar el trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + post, quit + Posesivo + job, jump + ship.
    * dejar en adobo = marinade.
    * dejar en blanco = leave + blank.
    * dejar encargado = leave in + charge.
    * dejar en el dique seco = mothball.
    * dejar en evidencia = call + Posesivo + bluff.
    * dejar en garantía = pledge.
    * dejar en herencia = bequeath.
    * dejar en la cuneta = ditch.
    * dejar en la estacada = leave + Nombre + high and dry, be left out on a limb.
    * dejar en libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar en prenda = pledge.
    * dejar en remojo = steep.
    * dejar en ridículo = make + a joke of, put + Nombre + to shame.
    * dejar en segundo plano = overshadow.
    * dejar en suspenso = put into + abeyance.
    * dejar en testamento = will.
    * dejar entrever = provide + a glimpse of, hint, insinuate, hint at, give + a hint, intimate.
    * dejar escapar a Alguien = let + Nombre + escape.
    * dejar espacio para = leave + room for.
    * dejar estupefacto = stagger.
    * dejar frío a Alguien = knock + Nombre + cold.
    * dejar frío y vacío = leave + Nombre + cold and empty.
    * dejar fuera = leave out, cut out, count + Nombre + out, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * dejar fuera de combate = lay + Nombre + low.
    * dejar fuera del equipo = sideline.
    * dejar hecho polvo = screw + Nombre + up.
    * dejar huella = leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + a trace, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar huellas = leave + footprints.
    * dejar huérfano = orphan.
    * dejar incompleto = leave + unfinished.
    * dejar inconsciente = overcome, knock + the hell out out of, leave + unconscious.
    * dejar indefenso = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar intacto = leave + intact, leave + untouched.
    * dejar la cuestión abierta = leave + the question open.
    * dejar la empresa = jump + ship.
    * dejar la puerta abierta a = open + the door to.
    * dejar la puerta abierta de par en par = leave + the door wide open.
    * dejar las armas = put down + weapons.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + the matter + rest, let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las cosas tranquilas = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar las manos de uno libres de = free + Posesivo + hands from.
    * dejar la tierra en barbecho = let + farmland lie fallow.
    * dejar libertad para + Infinitivo = leave + Nombre + free to + Infinitivo.
    * dejar libre = vacate, leave + vacant.
    * dejar limpio a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar lisiado = lame.
    * dejarlo a la discreción de = leave + it to the discretion of.
    * dejarlo en paz = give + it a rest, let + it drop.
    * dejarlo para última hora = leave + it until the last minute.
    * dejar los campos en barbecho = let + fields lie fallow.
    * dejar los estudios = drop out (from school), drop out of + school.
    * dejar marcado = scar.
    * dejar margen = allow + margin.
    * dejar mella = leave + an impression, touch + Posesivo + life, leave + Posesivo + mark, cut + a swath(e), leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar mucho que desear = fall (far) short of + ideal, leave + a lot to be desired, leave + much to be desired.
    * dejar para cuando = move to + a time when.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * dejar pasmado = stagger.
    * dejar paso = step + aside.
    * dejar paso (a) = give + way (to).
    * dejar pelado a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * dejar perplejo = puzzle, mystify, perplex, stump, blow + Posesivo + mind, bewilder, nonplus.
    * dejar plantado = walk out on.
    * dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se las arregle solo = leave (up) to + Posesivo + own resources, leave to + Posesivo + own devices.
    * dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * dejar que Alguien se vaya = let + Nombre + go.
    * dejar que desear = leave + something + to be desired, leave + a bit to be desired.
    * dejar que se pudra = leave to + rot.
    * dejar que + Subjuntivo = allow + Infinitivo.
    * dejar rastro = leave + a trace.
    * dejarse arrastrar = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse arrastrar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse caer = drop by, drop in, slump, droop, mosey.
    * dejarse el pellejo = play out + Posesivo + skin, work + Posesivo + butt off, sweat + blood, slog + Posesivo + guts out, give + Posesivo + all.
    * dejarse el pellejo trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse embaucar = get + sucked in.
    * dejarse engañar = fall for, get + sucked in.
    * dejarse guiar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse la piel = sweat + blood, work + Posesivo + butt off, slog + Posesivo + guts out, play out + Posesivo + skin.
    * dejarse la piel trabajando = work + Posesivo + fingers to the bone.
    * dejarse llevar = become + carried away by, drift along, drift, coast along, go with + the flow, let + go, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse llevar fácilmente = be easily led.
    * dejarse llevar (por) = fall + victim to, give + way (to).
    * dejarse llevar por el instinto = fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants.
    * dejarse llevar por el pánico = panic.
    * dejarse llevar por la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * dejarse ver = have + visibility.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin palabras = leave + Nombre + speechless, nonplus.
    * dejar sin poder = disempower.
    * dejar sin protección = leave + unprotected.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * dejar sitio (a) = make + room (for), make + way (for).
    * dejar solo = leave + Alguien + alone, leave + Nombre + alone, leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar su impronta en = set + Posesivo + stamp on.
    * dejar tiempo = free up + time.
    * dejar tiempo libre = free up + time.
    * dejar tirado = strand, walk out on.
    * dejar tranquilo = leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * dejar tras sí = leave + behind.
    * dejar una cicatriz = scar.
    * dejar una huella imborrable = leave + a lasting impression, leave + a lasting memory.
    * dejar una impresión = leave with + the impression, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.
    * dejar una marca = leave + Posesivo + mark.
    * dejar una pista = leave + a trace.
    * dejar (un) buen sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un cargo = resign + office, step down from + Posesivo + position, leave + office.
    * dejar un grato sabor de boca = leave + a good taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un hábito = stop + habit.
    * dejar un hueco = leave + gap.
    * dejar un mal sabor de boca = leave + a bad taste in + Posesivo + mouth.
    * dejar un puesto de trabajo = resign from + Posesivo + position.
    * dejar un reguero de = leave + a trail of.
    * dejar un sabor amargo en la boca = leave + a bitter aftertaste.
    * dejar un trabajo = quit, resign + Posesivo + post.
    * dejar vacante = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vacío = leave + vacant.
    * dejar vulnerable = leave + unprotected, leave + Nombre/Reflexivo + vulnerable.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desaparecer sin dejar rastro = evaporate into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desapareder sin dejar rastro = vanish into + thin air.
    * estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comer = moreish.
    * golpear a Alguien hasta dejarlo inconsciente = beat + Nombre + unconscious.
    * los efectos negativos se están dejando sentir ahora = chickens come home to roost.
    * lo tomas o lo dejas = take it or leave it.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + de = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasised.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + of = the + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * no se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstressed, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstated.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persuadir a Alguien para que deje Algo = lure away from.
    * programa + dejar de funcionar = programme + crash.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sistema + dejar de funcionar = system + crash.
    * vive y deja vivir = live and let live.

    * * *
    ■ dejar (verbo transitivo)
    1 dejar en un lugar
    2 olvidar
    3 como herencia
    4 depositar: persona
    1 dejar: marca, mancha etc
    2 Comercio
    C abandonar: novia, marido etc
    1 en cierto estado
    2 dejar algo dicho
    1 posponer
    2 reservar, guardar
    F prestar
    1 permitir
    2 esperar
    1 dejar paso
    2 dejar caer
    ■ dejar (verbo intransitivo)
    A deja/dejen
    1 dejar de: omitir, no hacer
    2 dejar de: cesar
    ■ dejarse (verbo pronominal)
    A abandonarse
    1 dejarse la barba etc
    2 dejarse + infinitivo
    C olvidar
    D dejarse de
    1 (en un lugar) to leave
    ¿dónde dejaste el coche? where did you leave the car?
    déjamelo en recepción leave it in reception for me
    deja ese cuchillo, que te vas a cortar put that knife down, you'll cut yourself
    dejé un depósito I put down o left a deposit
    ¿cuánto se suele dejar de propina? how much do you normally leave as a tip?
    dejémoslo, no quiero discutir por eso let's forget o drop it, I don't want to argue about it
    déjalo ya, no le pegues más that's enough o stop it now, don't hit him any more
    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa leave her alone o let her be, it wasn't her fault
    dejar que desear: la calidad deja bastante/mucho que desear the quality leaves rather a lot/much to be desired
    2 (olvidar) to leave
    dejó el paraguas en el tren she left her umbrella on the train
    3 (como herencia) to leave
    le dejó sus alhajas a su nieta she left her jewels to her granddaughter
    4 (depositar) ‹persona› to drop, drop … off
    dejó a los niños en el colegio she dropped the children (off) at school
    1 ‹marca/mancha/huella› to leave
    deja un gusto amargo en la boca it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth
    deja viuda y tres hijos he leaves a widow and three children
    2 ( Comercio):
    no deja mucho margen it does not have a very high profit margin
    ese tipo de negocio deja mucho dinero that type of business is very lucrative o yields high returns
    C (abandonar) ‹novia/marido› to leave; ‹familia› to leave, abandon; ‹trabajo› to give up, leave; ‹lugar› to leave
    lo dejó por otro she left him for another man
    quiere dejar el ballet he wants to give up ballet dancing
    no quería dejar esa casa donde había sido tan feliz he didn't want to leave that house where he had been so happy
    te dejo, que tengo que arreglarme I must go, I have to get ready
    D (+ compl)
    dejé la ventana abierta I left the window open
    su muerte los dejó en la miseria his death left them in absolute poverty
    su respuesta me dejó boquiabierta I was astonished by her reply
    ese estilo de cine me deja frío that sort of movie leaves me cold
    el golpe lo dejó inconsciente the blow knocked o rendered him unconscious
    dejar los garbanzos en remojo leave the chickpeas to soak
    dejo el asunto en tus manos I'll leave the matter in your hands
    me dejó esperando afuera she left me waiting outside
    el avión/bus nos dejó (Col, Ven); we missed the plane/bus
    ¡déjame en paz! leave me alone!
    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos he let me have it for 1,000 pesos
    quiero dejar esto bien claro I want to make this quite clear, I want this to be quite clear
    dejando aparte la cuestión de … leaving aside the question of …
    dejó atrás a los otros corredores she left the other runners behind
    dejar algo/a algn estar to let sth/sb be ( colloq), to leave sth/sb alone
    (CS): dejar algo dicho to leave a message
    dejó dicho que lo llamaran he left a message for them to call him
    ¿quiere dejar algo dicho? do you want to leave a message?
    1 (posponer) leave
    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now
    dejemos los platos para mañana let's leave the dishes until tomorrow
    2 (reservar, guardar) to leave
    deja tus chistes para otro momento save your jokes for some other time
    dejen un poco de postre para Gustavo leave some dessert for Gustavo
    deja un margen leave a margin
    F ( Esp fam) (prestar) (+ me/te/le etc) to lend
    he salido sin dineroyo te puedo dejar algo I've come out without any money — I can lend you some o let you have some
    1 (permitir) dejar algo/a algn + INF to let sth/sb + INF
    ¿me dejas ir? will you let me go?, can I go?
    déjame entrar/salir let me in/out
    siempre lo han dejado hacer lo que le da la gana they've always allowed him to do o let him do just as he pleases
    deja correr el agua let the water run, run the water
    tú déjame hacer a mí y no te preocupes you leave it to me and don't worry
    sacar del horno y dejar reposar remove from the oven and leave to stand
    dejar que algo/algn + SUBJ to let sth/sb + INF
    dejó que lo eligiera ella he let her choose, he left the choice to her
    déjame que te ayude let me help you
    no dejes que se queme la carne don't let the meat burn
    2 (esperar) dejar que algo/algn + SUBJ:
    dejar que espese la salsa allow the sauce to thicken, wait until the sauce thickens
    deja que se tranquilice un poco primero wait for him to calm down o let him calm down a bit first
    ¡deja que te agarre y vas a ver! just you wait till I get my hands on you!
    dejar paso to make way
    dejen paso a la ambulancia let the ambulance through, make way for the ambulance
    hay que dejar paso a las nuevas ideas we have to make way for new ideas
    dejar caer ‹objeto› to drop;
    ‹comentario› to let … drop
    dejó caer la noticia de que se casaba she let it drop that she was getting married
    ■ dejar
    deja/dejen: deja, me toca pagar a mí no, no, it's my turn to pay
    toma lo que te debía — deja, deja here, this is what I owed you — no, it doesn't matter o no, forget it o no, please
    dejen, no se preocupen look, leave it, don't bother
    1 (omitir, no hacer) dejar DE + INF:
    no dejes de escribirme en cuanto llegues don't forget to write o make sure you write as soon as you get there
    no deja de llamar ni un solo día he telephones every day without fail
    no dejes de recordarles que … be sure to remind them that …
    no por eso voy a dejar de decir lo que siento that won't stop me from saying what I feel
    yo no puedo dejar de sacar mis propias conclusiones I can't help but draw my own conclusions
    no deja de sorprenderme que haya venido a disculparse I still find it surprising that he came to apologize
    lo que hagan o dejen de hacer es cosa suya whatever they do or don't do is their business
    por no dejar ( Chi fam); for the sake of it
    2 (cesar) dejar DE + INF to stop -ING
    deja de llorar/importunarme stop crying/bothering me
    creía que habías dejado de fumar I thought you had given up smoking
    A (abandonarse) to let oneself go
    se ha dejado mucho desde que enviudó he's let himself go terribly since he lost his wife
    1 ‹barba/bigote› to grow
    quiero dejarme el pelo largo I want to grow my hair long
    2 dejarse + INF:
    se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him
    no me voy a dejar convencer tan fácilmente I am not going to be persuaded that easily
    quería besarla, pero ella no se dejó he wanted to kiss her but she wouldn't let him
    se dejó llevar por la música she let herself be carried o swept along by the music
    se dejó abatir por el desánimo she succumbed to despondency
    no te dejes, tú también pégale ( AmL exc RPl); don't just take it, hit him back ( colloq)
    ¿qué tal el postre? — se deja comer ( fam hum); what's the dessert like? — it's not bad o I've tasted worse ( colloq hum)
    de vez en cuando se dejaba caer por el club he used to drop by o into the club now and then
    nunca te dejas ver we never seem to see you
    dejarse estar: no te dejes estar you'd better do something
    si nos dejamos estar vamos a perder el contrato if we don't get our act together o get a move on we'll lose the contract, if we don't do something, we'll lose the contract ( colloq)
    C ( fam) (olvidar) to leave
    me dejé el dinero en casa I left my/the money at home
    déjate de rodeos y dime la verdad stop beating about the bush and tell me the truth
    a ver si se dejan de perder el tiempo why don't you stop wasting time
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    dejar algo
    dejar ( conjugate dejar) verbo transitivo

    dejó a los niños en el colegio she dropped the children (off) at school;
    dejar un recado to leave a message;
    dejar propina to leave a tip;
    deja ese cuchillo put that knife down;
    déjala, ella no tuvo la culpa leave her alone, it wasn't her fault;
    dejar mucho que desear to leave a great deal to be desired
    b) ( olvidar) ‹dinero/objeto to leave;

    ¡déjalo! forget it!

    a)mancha/huella/sabor to leave

    b) ganancia to produce;

    3 ( abandonar) ‹novia/marido to leave;
    familia to leave, abandon;
    trabajo to give up, leave;
    lugar to leave;

    4 (+ compl) ( en cierto estado) to leave;

    me dejó esperando afuera she left me waiting outside;
    ¡déjame en paz! leave me alone!;
    me lo dejó en 1.000 pesos he let me have it for 1,000 pesos;
    See also→ lado 3

    no lo dejes para después, hazlo ahora don't put it off o leave it until later, do it now

    b) (reservar, guardar) ‹espacio/margen/comida to leave

    ( permitir)
    dejara algo/algn hacer algo to let sth/sb do sth;

    déjalo entrar let it/him in;
    deja correr el agua let the water run;
    ¿me dejas ir? will you let me go?;
    dejar que algo/algn haga algo to let sb/sth do sth;
    déjame que te ayude let me help you;
    See Also→ caer 1, See Also→ paso 1 b
    verbo intransitivo dejar de hacer algo to stop doing sth;
    dejar de fumar to give up o to stop smoking;

    no dejes de escribirme make sure you write to me
    dejarse verbo pronominal


    dejarse hacer algo: se deja dominar por la envidia he lets his feelings of envy get the better of him;

    se deja influir fácilmente he's easily influenced;
    dejarse llevar por la música to let oneself be carried along by the music;
    dejarse estar (AmL);

    ( descuidarse) to be careless;
    ( abandonarse) to let oneself go
    2barba/bigote to grow
    3 dejarse de hacer algo to stop doing sth;

    4 (esp Esp fam) ( olvidar) to leave
    1 verbo transitivo
    1 (poner en un sitio una cosa) to leave: déjalo donde estaba, leave it where it was
    no sé dónde dejé las llaves, I don't know where I left my keys
    (a una persona en un lugar) to drop off
    2 (prestar) to lend: ¿me dejas tu blusa?, may I borrow your blouse?
    3 (abandonar a un niño) to abandon
    (romper relaciones con) to leave: Carmen dejó a su novio, Carmen broke up with her boyfriend
    (una actividad) to give up: dejó de bailar, she gave up dancing
    dejar el trabajo, to leave one's job
    (desistir) to give up: lo dejé por imposible, I gave it up
    4 (autorizar, dar permiso) to let, allow: no sé si le dejarán viajar solo, I don't know if they'll let her travel unaccompanied
    dejar entrar/salir, to let in/out ➣ Ver nota en let 5 (no molestar) to leave sb alone: deja a mamá, que está descansando, leave mummy alone, she's having a rest
    6 (producir beneficios) to produce
    7 (aplazar) dejaron la visita para otro día, they put the visit off for another day
    8 (+ adjetivo: en un estado) to make
    dejar cansado, to make (sb) tired
    dejar preocupado/satisfecho, to worry/satisfy
    II v aux ( dejar de + infinitivo) to stop, give up: no deja de hablar de él, she never stops talking about him
    no dejes de llamar para avisarme, don't forget to call me
    de pronto dejó de respirar, suddenly he stoped breathing ➣ Ver nota en give y stop
    ♦ Locuciones: déjame en paz, leave me alone
    dejar dicho, to leave a word o a message
    dejar fuera, (excluir, no tener en cuenta) to leave out, omit
    dejar mucho que desear, to leave a lot to be desired: su examen dejó mucho que desear, his exam performance left a lot to be desired
    ' dejar' also found in these entries:
    - aplanar
    - aturdir
    - barbecho
    - betún
    - cabida
    - cabo
    - caer
    - callar
    - clara
    - claro
    - colgada
    - colgado
    - consistir
    - Cristo
    - dejarse
    - descendencia
    - descolgar
    - desconectarse
    - despedirse
    - desplumar
    - destartalar
    - destilar
    - desvelar
    - deteriorarse
    - enseñar
    - entrever
    - estacada
    - estampar
    - franquear
    - hoy
    - huella
    - imprimir
    - miel
    - olvidar
    - palmo
    - petrificar
    - piedra
    - pieza
    - plantar
    - plantificar
    - poltrona
    - prenda
    - rastro
    - reñir
    - reposo
    - respirar
    - sabor
    - salirse
    - señal
    - admit
    - advance
    - advise
    - allow
    - astound
    - black out
    - blind
    - boggle
    - bowl over
    - break off
    - brew
    - brush aside
    - burner
    - butt out
    - cease
    - chuck in
    - cold
    - come off
    - consider
    - cripple
    - cut
    - cut off
    - cut out
    - dangle
    - dent
    - device
    - disable
    - dismiss
    - drop
    - drop off
    - drop out
    - dump
    - end
    - fool
    - forward
    - fox
    - free
    - gear
    - give
    - give up
    - gripping
    - imprint
    - jack in
    - jilt
    - keep
    - keep in
    - keep out
    - knock out
    - lay down
    * * *
    1. [poner] to leave, to put;
    dejó los papeles en la mesa he put o left the papers on the table;
    deja el abrigo en la percha put your coat on the hanger;
    he dejado la moto muy cerca I've left o parked my motorbike nearby;
    deja el jarrón, que lo vas a romper put that vase down or you'll break it;
    su compañero le dejó un balón perfecto y sólo tuvo que rematar a gol his team-mate played a perfect ball for him and all he had to do was tap it in
    2. [olvidar] to leave;
    dejé el paraguas en el cine I left my umbrella at the movies
    3. [encomendar]
    dejarle algo a alguien to leave sth with sb;
    le dejé los niños a mi madre I left the children with my mother
    4. Esp [prestar]
    dejar algo a alguien to lend sb sth, to lend sth to sb;
    ¿me dejas un paraguas? could you lend me an umbrella?;
    ¿nos dejarás tu casa el próximo verano? will you let us use your house next summer?
    5. [abandonar] [casa, trabajo, país] to leave;
    [tabaco, estudios] to give up; [familia] to abandon;
    dejé la fiesta a medianoche I left the party at midnight;
    dejó el tenis cuando empezó la universidad she gave up tennis when she started university;
    dejó lo que estaba haciendo para ayudarla he stopped o dropped what he was doing to help her;
    te dejo, que si no pierdo el autobús I have to leave you now, or I'll miss the bus;
    su marido la ha dejado her husband has left her;
    lo dejó por un hombre más joven she left him for a younger man;
    dejar a alguien en algún sitio [con el coche] to drop sb off somewhere;
    el avión dejó a treinta pasajeros en la primera escala thirty passengers got off (the plane) at the first stopover;
    dejar atrás a alguien to leave sb behind;
    es muy inteligente y ha dejado atrás al resto de la clase she's very intelligent and has left the rest of the class behind (her), she's very intelligent and is way ahead of the rest of the class;
    dejó atrás al resto de corredores he left the other runners behind o in his wake;
    dejar algo por imposible to give sth up as a lost cause
    6. [posponer] to leave;
    dejemos esto para la próxima reunión let's leave this matter until the next meeting;
    dejamos el viaje para diciembre we put off the journey until December;
    no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy don't put off till o leave for tomorrow what you can do today
    7. [permitir]
    dejar a alguien hacer algo to let sb do sth, to allow sb to do sth;
    no me dejan salir, estoy castigado I'm being kept in as a punishment;
    dejar entrar/salir a alguien to let sb in/out;
    sus gritos no me dejaron dormir his cries prevented me from sleeping;
    déjame a mí, que tengo más experiencia let me do it, I'm more experienced;
    déjame a mí, yo me encargo de preparar la comida leave it to me, I'll get dinner;
    deja que tu hijo venga con nosotros let your son come with us;
    ¿me dejas ir? will you let me go?, can I go?;
    dejar correr algo to leave sth be;
    dejar pasar o [m5] escapar algo to let sth slip;
    dejó pasar tres semanas he let three weeks go by;
    el resultado final no deja lugar a dudas the final result leaves no room for doubt
    8. [reservar]
    deja algo de café para mí leave some coffee for me;
    deja algo para los demás leave some for the others;
    deja tus críticas para una mejor ocasión save your criticisms for another time
    9. [legar] to leave;
    dejar algo a alguien to leave sth to sb;
    10. [reportar] to bring;
    el negocio les deja varios millones al año the business brings them several million a year
    11. [omitir] to leave out;
    la cocina déjala de momento, ahora hay que limpiar el baño leave the kitchen for the moment, I want you to clean the bathroom now;
    dejemos aparte las introducciones y comencemos la negociación let's dispense with the introductions and get straight down to the negotiations;
    dejar algo por o [m5] sin hacer to fail to do sth;
    dejó lo más importante por resolver he left the most important question unresolved
    12. (en imperativo) [olvidar] to forget (about);
    déjalo, no importa forget it, it doesn't matter
    13. (en imperativo) [no molestar] to leave alone o in peace;
    ¡déjame, que tengo trabajo! leave me alone, I'm busy!;
    déjame tranquilo o [m5] en paz leave me alone o in peace;
    ¡deja a tu padre, está durmiendo! leave your father alone o in peace, he's sleeping!;
    déjalo estar leave it as it is, let it be
    14. (+ infinitivo)
    dejó adivinar sus intenciones she allowed her intentions to be guessed;
    lo dejó caer she dropped it;
    dejó caer que no se presentaría a las próximas elecciones he let it drop that he wouldn't be standing at the next election;
    dejó escapar una magnífica oportunidad she missed an excellent opportunity, she allowed an excellent opportunity to slip by
    15. [indica resultado] to leave;
    deja un sabor agridulce it has a bittersweet aftertaste;
    la lejía ha dejado marcas en la ropa the bleach has left stains on the clothes;
    el examen me dejó agotado I was left exhausted by the exam;
    ¡no me dejes así, cuéntame qué pasó! don't leave me guessing, tell me what happened!;
    yo dejaría la pared tal y como está I'd leave the wall as it is;
    tu comportamiento deja bastante/mucho que desear your behaviour leaves something/a lot to be desired;
    dejar algo hecho to get sth done;
    te lo dejaré hecho para el lunes I'll get it done for you by Monday;
    dejar algo como nuevo to leave sth as good as new
    16. [esperar a]
    dejar que to wait until;
    dejó que acabara de llover para salir he waited until it had stopped raining before going out;
    retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar o [m5] que se enfríe remove from the heat and allow to cool;
    deja que se calme un poco, y entonces háblale wait until she calms down a bit before you talk to her
    1. [parar]
    dejar de hacer algo to stop doing sth;
    dejó de llover it stopped raining, the rain stopped;
    ha dejado de fumar/beber he's stopped smoking/drinking;
    no deja de venir ni un solo día he never fails to come;
    poco a poco dejaron de llamarse they gradually stopped phoning one another;
    no deja de ser extraño que haga tanto calor en esta época del año it really is most strange for it to be so hot at this time of year
    2. (en negativo) [indica promesa]
    no dejar de to be sure to;
    ¡no dejes de escribirme! be sure to write to me!;
    no dejes de avisarnos si tienes algún problema be sure to tell us if you have any problem
    3. (en imperativo) [indica negación]
    deja, ya subo yo las maletas leave the cases, I'll bring them up;
    deje, señora, ya lo hago yo allow me, madam, I'll do it;
    ¿vas a volver a correr la maratón? – ¡deja, deja! ya tuve suficiente con la del año pasado are you going to run the marathon again? – don't! last year was more than enough
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 leave; estudios give up, quit fam ;
    dejar mucho que desear leave a lot to be desired;
    dejar algo para mañana leave sth until tomorrow;
    dejémoslo aquí let’s leave it here;
    ¡déjalo! persona leave him alone!; asunto drop it!
    2 ( permitir) let, allow;
    déjale marcharse let him go;
    dejar que algo ocurra let sth happen, allow sth to happen
    3 ( prestar) lend
    4 beneficios yield
    déjame en la esquina drop me at the corner;
    dejar caer algo drop sth
    II v/i
    1 ( parar)
    dejar de hacer algo stop doing sth;
    dejar de fumar give up smoking, stop o quit smoking;
    no deja de fastidiarme he keeps (on) annoying me;
    no puedo dejar de pensar en ellos I can’t stop thinking about them
    no dejes de visitarnos be sure to visit us
    * * *
    dejar vt
    1) : to leave
    2) abandonar: to abandon, to forsake
    3) : to let be, to let go
    4) permitir: to allow, to permit
    dejar vi
    dejar de : to stop, to quit
    dejar de fumar: to quit smoking
    * * *
    dejar vb
    1. (en general) to leave [pt. & pp. left]
    2. (abandonar una actividad) to give up [pt. gave; pp. given]
    3. (permitir) to let [pt. & pp. let]
    4. (prestar) to lend [pt. & pp. lent]
    ¿me dejas este libro? can you lend me this book? / can I borrow this book?
    dejar caer to drop [pt. & pp. dropped]
    dejar de (involuntariamente) to stop [pt. & pp. stopped] (voluntariamente) to give up [pt. gave; pp. given]
    ¡déjame en paz! leave me alone!

    Spanish-English dictionary > dejar

  • 8 sin coste alguno

    = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge
    Ex. In this way 15-20 persons can attend both the Pre-Session Seminar and the General Conference annually at no personal cost.
    Ex. Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.
    Ex. The author looks at how 'free' information really is and whether we can continue to expect high quality information to be available without cost.
    Ex. Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex. There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
    Ex. Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex. An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a group of small health related libraries responded by forming a cost free cooperative called GRATIS in 1982.
    Ex. In addition, most or all of the contents of the resources listed are available for free.
    Ex. This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.
    * * *
    = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge

    Ex: In this way 15-20 persons can attend both the Pre-Session Seminar and the General Conference annually at no personal cost.

    Ex: Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.
    Ex: The author looks at how 'free' information really is and whether we can continue to expect high quality information to be available without cost.
    Ex: Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex: There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
    Ex: Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex: An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex: In an attempt to overcome this problem, a group of small health related libraries responded by forming a cost free cooperative called GRATIS in 1982.
    Ex: In addition, most or all of the contents of the resources listed are available for free.
    Ex: This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin coste alguno

  • 9 проблема

    (= задача, вопрос, трудность) problem, task, matter, point, topic, question
    В основном, это проблема (чего-л). - This is essentially a matter of...
    В связи с этой проблемой интересно найти... - In connection with this problem it is of interest to find...
    В этой главе не делалось попыток обсудить очень сложную проблему... - In this chapter no attempt has been made to discuss the very difficult problem of...
    Данная проблема полностью совпадает с той, что возникла в связи с... - The problem is exactly the same as that encountered in connection with...
    Для большинства подобных проблем достаточно (установить и т. п.)... - For most such problems it is sufficient to...
    Другая проблема возникает, когда... - Another problem arises when...
    Другим способом рассмотрения данной проблемы является следующий. - Another way of regarding this problem is as follows.
    Другой проблемой является возможное, загрязнение... - Another problem is the possible contamination of...
    Другой способ решения этот проблемы состоит в том, чтобы взять... - Another way to treat this problem is to take...
    Заслуживает упоминания другой подход к проблеме этого типа. - Another approach to problems of this type is worthy of notice.
    Здесь мы должны упомянуть о двух проблемах, связанных с... - Two difficulties associated with... should be mentioned here.
    Интересные, но трудные проблемы возникают, когда... - Interesting but difficult questions arise when...
    Итак, мы сталкиваемся с проблемой... - So we are faced with the problem of...
    Их основные недостатки состоят в том, что проблемы, связанные с... - The main disadvantages are the problems associated with...
    К настоящему времени несколько ученых исследовали эту проблему. - То date, few investigators have pursued this matter.
    Мы не будем касаться проблем, которые... - We will not go into problems which...
    Мы обсудим проблему существования и единственности для... - We shall discuss the existence and uniqueness problem for...
    Мы сталкиваемся с проблемой... - We are confronted by the task of...
    На самом деле данная проблема заключается в решении... - The problem is really one of solving...
    Наилучшим образом проблема исследуется с использованием теории... - The problem is best approached through the theory of...
    Необходимо рассмотреть эту проблему в некоторых деталях. - It is necessary to consider this problem in some detail.
    Обсуждая данную проблему, мы пренебрегли возможностью, что... - In discussing this problem we have neglected the possibility that...
    Один путь для разрешения данной проблемы состоит в использовании... - One way of overcoming this problem is to use...
    Однако возможно расширить это исследование на более общую проблему, в которой... - It is possible, however, to extend the treatment to a more general problem in which...
    Основная проблема состоит в том, что... - The main point is that...
    Основная проблема состоит в том, чтобы определить... - The main problem is to determine...
    Основной проблемой данной главы является... - Our main business in this chapter is to...
    Относительно обсуждения данной проблемы см. Смит [1]. - For a discussion of this problem, see Smith [1].
    Очевидно, что это более сложная проблема, чем проблема обычного определения (чего-л). - This is obviously a more complicated problem than the usual determination of...
    Перед тем как вернуться к рассмотрению этих проблем, нам необходимо (изучить и т. п.)... - Before returning to these matters, it is necessary to...
    По-прежнему остается проблема как обращаться с... - The problem still remains of how to deal with...
    Позднее мы вернемся к проблеме о... - Later we shall turn to the question of...
    Затем это становится проблемой (чего-л). - Thereafter it is a matter of...
    Последнее условие вызывает проблемы, потому что... - The latter condition raises problems, because...
    Проблема... до сих пор не имеет удовлетворительного решения. - The problem of... has not yet been solved satisfactorily.
    Проблема может усугубляться... - The problem may be accentuated by...
    Проблема становится более трудной, когда... - The problem is more difficult when...
    Проблема формулируется следующим образом. - The problem is specified as follows.
    Проблема, которую мы обязаны позднее рассмотреть, чтобы применять данную идею, состоит в том, что... - A problem that we must eventually face in making use of this concept is...
    Проблемы, возникающие в (чем-л), многочисленны и разнообразны. - The problems that arise in... are numerous and varied.
    Простейший способ начать изучать проблему состоит в том, что... - The simplest way to approach the problem is to...
    Решение подобной проблемы легко выводится путем рассмотрения... - The solution to such a problem is readily deduced by considering...
    Чтобы сфокусировать наше внимание на одной специальной проблеме (= цели), мы... - In order to focus our attention on a specific objective, we shall...
    С этим преобразованием связаны две проблемы. - There are two problems with this arrangement.
    Таким образом, проблема сводится к проблеме выбора... - The problem thus becomes one of choosing...
    Тем самым предлагается другой подход к проблеме... - This suggests another approach to the problem of...
    Теперь мы переходим к другой проблеме... - We now pass to another problem...
    Теперь проблема технически решена. - Technically, the problem is now solved.
    Теперь та же проблема будет обсуждаться в количественном аспекте. - The problem will now be discussed quantitatively.
    Только первая из этих двух проблем будет рассмотрена здесь нами. - Only the first of these two problems will concern us here.
    Условие а = b приблизительно выполнено в любой проблеме, где... - The condition a = b is approximately satisfied in any problem where...
    Хотя это и не слишком практическая проблема, однако интересно (рассмотреть и т. п.)... - Although not a very practical problem, it is of interest to...
    Часто возникающая проблема состоит в следующем... - A problem which arises very frequently is...
    Чтобы изучить данную проблему, мы... - То treat this problem, we...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать возникающие проблемы, мы можем... - То illustrate the problems involved, we can...
    Чтобы сформулировать более общую проблему, мы... - То formulate the more general problem, we...
    Эта проблема не возникает при... - This problem does not arise with...
    Эта проблема уже немного обсуждалась в первом параграфе. - This problem has already been discussed to some extent in Section 1.
    Эти аспекты проблемы все еще не исследованы. - These aspects of the problem have not yet been investigated.
    Эти два примера иллюстрируют некоторые из проблем... - These two examples illustrate some of the problems of...
    Эти проблемы отчасти разрешаются, если... - These problems are partially overcome if...
    Это проблема соглашения, что... - It is a matter of convention that...
    Это проблема, которая уже обсуждалась в связи с... - This is a problem which has been discussed in connection with...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > проблема

  • 10 gratis

    free, free of charge, give-away, costless.
    free, for nothing.
    ser gratis to be free
    me salió gratis el viaje the journey didn't cost me anything
    * * *
    1 free
    * * *
    * * *
    ADV free, for nothing

    de gratis LAm gratis

    ADJ free
    * * *
    adjetivo free
    adverbio free
    * * *
    = free, freely, free of charge, giveaway [give-away], gratis, complimentary, without charge, pro bono, at no cost, no cost(s), free of cost, cost free, freebie, for free, without cost, freely available, costless, free for the taking, at no charge, on a complimentary basis.
    Ex. Late in 1986, the Medical Library took advantage of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts' free trial offer of its compact Medline on CD-ROM.
    Ex. The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex. Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex. HUD publications range from give-away pamphlets to multi-volume research tomes = Las publicaciones HUD van desde los folletos gratuitos a tomos de investigaciones en varios volúmenes.
    Ex. Answers were obtained from 102 centres, 1/2 of which provide information services gratis, but some charges for photocopying.
    Ex. This is a classified, annotated guide to magazines which fall into the general category of house magazines available to libraries on a complimentary basis.
    Ex. There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
    Ex. Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.
    Ex. Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.
    Ex. Respondents who preferred CD-ROM searching did so because they liked doing their own searches and the fact that there were no costs involved.
    Ex. An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a group of small health related libraries responded by forming a cost free cooperative called GRATIS in 1982.
    Ex. The article 'Professional reference service with ' freebie' librarians' discusses the free online reference service offered by the Internet Public Library.
    Ex. In addition, most or all of the contents of the resources listed are available for free.
    Ex. The author looks at how 'free' information really is and whether we can continue to expect high quality information to be available without cost.
    Ex. Thus, resources should be freely available, or at the very last charge only nominal fees for their use.
    Ex. Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex. The short answer of course is 'yes,' simply because we now live in a world where these resources are expected to be there, and many expect them to be there free for the taking.
    Ex. This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.
    Ex. Mountain bikes are available on a complimentary basis for guests who wish to explore the scenic north coast of the island.
    * billete gratis = free ticket.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de pago o gratis = fee or free, fee versus free.
    * entrada gratis = free ticket.
    * nada es gratis = nothing comes without a cost.
    * nada es gratis en la viña del Señor = there is no such thing as a free lunch, there is no such thing as a free ride.
    * obtener gratis = obtain + free.
    * recibir gratis = get + free.
    * servicio gratis = frill.
    * * *
    adjetivo free
    adverbio free
    * * *
    = free, freely, free of charge, giveaway [give-away], gratis, complimentary, without charge, pro bono, at no cost, no cost(s), free of cost, cost free, freebie, for free, without cost, freely available, costless, free for the taking, at no charge, on a complimentary basis.

    Ex: Late in 1986, the Medical Library took advantage of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts' free trial offer of its compact Medline on CD-ROM.

    Ex: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex: Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex: HUD publications range from give-away pamphlets to multi-volume research tomes = Las publicaciones HUD van desde los folletos gratuitos a tomos de investigaciones en varios volúmenes.
    Ex: Answers were obtained from 102 centres, 1/2 of which provide information services gratis, but some charges for photocopying.
    Ex: This is a classified, annotated guide to magazines which fall into the general category of house magazines available to libraries on a complimentary basis.
    Ex: There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
    Ex: Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.
    Ex: Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.
    Ex: Respondents who preferred CD-ROM searching did so because they liked doing their own searches and the fact that there were no costs involved.
    Ex: An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex: In an attempt to overcome this problem, a group of small health related libraries responded by forming a cost free cooperative called GRATIS in 1982.
    Ex: The article 'Professional reference service with ' freebie' librarians' discusses the free online reference service offered by the Internet Public Library.
    Ex: In addition, most or all of the contents of the resources listed are available for free.
    Ex: The author looks at how 'free' information really is and whether we can continue to expect high quality information to be available without cost.
    Ex: Thus, resources should be freely available, or at the very last charge only nominal fees for their use.
    Ex: Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex: The short answer of course is 'yes,' simply because we now live in a world where these resources are expected to be there, and many expect them to be there free for the taking.
    Ex: This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.
    Ex: Mountain bikes are available on a complimentary basis for guests who wish to explore the scenic north coast of the island.
    * billete gratis = free ticket.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de pago o gratis = fee or free, fee versus free.
    * entrada gratis = free ticket.
    * nada es gratis = nothing comes without a cost.
    * nada es gratis en la viña del Señor = there is no such thing as a free lunch, there is no such thing as a free ride.
    * obtener gratis = obtain + free.
    * recibir gratis = get + free.
    * servicio gratis = frill.

    * * *
    la entrada es gratis entrance is free
    este folleto es gratis this brochure is free (of charge) o gratis
    me lo arregló gratis he fixed it for me free
    entramos gratis we got in free o for nothing
    * * *


    gratis adj/adv

    entramos gratis we got in free o for nothing
    I adv inv free: le salió gratis la matrícula, his registration was free
    II adjetivo free: hay un billete gratis para ir al cine, we have a free ticket for the movies

    ' gratis' also found in these entries:
    - gratuidad
    - gratuita
    - gratuito
    - pesetera
    - pesetero
    - charge
    - complimentary
    - delivery
    - free
    - mooch
    - nothing
    - toll-free
    - wangle
    * * *
    adj inv
    ser gratis to be free;
    entrada gratis [en letrero] entrance free
    (for) free, for nothing;
    entré gratis al concierto I got into the concert (for) free o for nothing;
    me salió gratis el viaje the journey didn't cost me anything
    * * *
    adj & adv free
    * * *
    gratis adv
    gratuitamente: free, for free, gratis
    gratis adj
    gratuito: free, gratis
    * * *
    gratis adv
    1. (sin pagar) free
    2. (sin cobrar) for nothing

    Spanish-English dictionary > gratis

  • 11 преодолевать трудности

    Преодолевать трудности - to overcome difficulty, to obviate difficulty, to master difficulty; to tackle obstacles, to tackle problems; to overcome roadblock; to remedy problem
     This facility was originally included in the test apparatus for some different reason, to overcome this measurement difficulty.
     Rapid advances at least through 1985 are projected with some serious obstacles yet to be tackled.
     Many roadblocks must still be overcome before wide application of this alloy can be expected.
     Thus problem may be remedied by adding a quadratic-like quantity.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > преодолевать трудности

  • 12 atacar

    1 to attack.
    esta enfermedad ataca el sistema respiratorio this disease attacks the respiratory system
    El general atacó al pueblo The general attacked the village.
    Ese grupo ataca siempre That group attacks always.
    2 to attack (sport).
    3 to attack.
    4 to corrode.
    5 to tackle, to attack, to try to solve.
    El grupo ataca los problemas The group tackles problems.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 (gen) to attack
    2 (criticar) to attack, criticize
    3 (afectar) to attack, affect
    atacar los nervios to get on one's nerves
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ enemigo, ciudad, fortaleza] to attack
    2) (Med, Quím) [enfermedad, plaga, sustancia] to attack

    este niño me ataca los nervios* that child gets on my nerves *

    3) (=criticar) [+ teoría, planteamiento, propuesta] to attack
    4) (=combatir) [+ problema] to tackle, combat
    5) (=abordar)

    tengo que atacar a las matemáticas* I'll have to get stuck into my maths *

    ¿puedo atacar al pastel? — * can I get stuck into the cake? *

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <país/enemigo/ideas> to attack
    2) ácido/virus/enfermedad to attack
    a) ( combatir) <problema/enfermedad> to attack
    b) ( acometer) < tarea> to tackle; < pieza musical> to launch into
    c) (Ven fam) ( cortejar) to go after
    atacar vi to attack
    * * *
    = attack, set about, assail, make + attack, bash, storm, assault, argue against, mount + attack, come under + attack, go to + bat against, maul, hit out (at/against).
    Ex. Soon afterwards he got up and wanted to attack me again.
    Ex. I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight by the explosive entrance of a lecturer who, without pause for reflection or apology, set about an unfortunate student for not being at a tutorial.
    Ex. It's ridiculous to assail people who are making a code for abandoning all the principles which have been going strong for 100 years.
    Ex. This has led David Beminghausen in the United States to make the most outspoken attack on those who are trying to influence the role of the American Library Association.
    Ex. Newspapers took advantage of the accident to attack or ' bash' the nuclear industry or nuclear power in general.
    Ex. On October 6, 1976, an angry mob stormed the university to attack students who seemed to threaten the nation.
    Ex. Throughout history the cultural world has been assaulted in various ways which leads to the need for a process of cultural repair.
    Ex. Some teachers argue against book clubs, claiming that they bring together only a certain kind of avid reader, the literary equivalent of the religiously effete and over-pious.
    Ex. Their aim was to mount a spirited attack on a consumer driven and marketeers' approach to reading and books, and on relativism and populism.
    Ex. This bipartite approach has recently come under heavy attack.
    Ex. The article has the title 'The minority press goes to bat against segregated baseball'.
    Ex. After being mauled by a tiger the two elephants were sedated with hydrochloride for surgical dressing of the wounds.
    Ex. She has hit out at rumours that she is a man-eater.
    * animal que ataca al hombre = man-eater.
    * atacar a = take + a swipe at, swipe, lash out at/against/on, have + a go at.
    * atacar con = urge against.
    * atacar en grupo = swarm.
    * atacar primero = preemptive strike.
    * atacar un síntoma = attack + symptom.
    * ser atacado = be under attack, come under + fire.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <país/enemigo/ideas> to attack
    2) ácido/virus/enfermedad to attack
    a) ( combatir) <problema/enfermedad> to attack
    b) ( acometer) < tarea> to tackle; < pieza musical> to launch into
    c) (Ven fam) ( cortejar) to go after
    atacar vi to attack
    * * *
    = attack, set about, assail, make + attack, bash, storm, assault, argue against, mount + attack, come under + attack, go to + bat against, maul, hit out (at/against).

    Ex: Soon afterwards he got up and wanted to attack me again.

    Ex: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight by the explosive entrance of a lecturer who, without pause for reflection or apology, set about an unfortunate student for not being at a tutorial.
    Ex: It's ridiculous to assail people who are making a code for abandoning all the principles which have been going strong for 100 years.
    Ex: This has led David Beminghausen in the United States to make the most outspoken attack on those who are trying to influence the role of the American Library Association.
    Ex: Newspapers took advantage of the accident to attack or ' bash' the nuclear industry or nuclear power in general.
    Ex: On October 6, 1976, an angry mob stormed the university to attack students who seemed to threaten the nation.
    Ex: Throughout history the cultural world has been assaulted in various ways which leads to the need for a process of cultural repair.
    Ex: Some teachers argue against book clubs, claiming that they bring together only a certain kind of avid reader, the literary equivalent of the religiously effete and over-pious.
    Ex: Their aim was to mount a spirited attack on a consumer driven and marketeers' approach to reading and books, and on relativism and populism.
    Ex: This bipartite approach has recently come under heavy attack.
    Ex: The article has the title 'The minority press goes to bat against segregated baseball'.
    Ex: After being mauled by a tiger the two elephants were sedated with hydrochloride for surgical dressing of the wounds.
    Ex: She has hit out at rumours that she is a man-eater.
    * animal que ataca al hombre = man-eater.
    * atacar a = take + a swipe at, swipe, lash out at/against/on, have + a go at.
    * atacar con = urge against.
    * atacar en grupo = swarm.
    * atacar primero = preemptive strike.
    * atacar un síntoma = attack + symptom.
    * ser atacado = be under attack, come under + fire.

    * * *
    atacar [A2 ]
    1 ‹país/enemigo› to attack
    la atacó por la espalda he attacked her from behind
    su adversario lo atacó por sorpresa his opponent caught him off guard o took him by surprise
    2 (verbalmente) ‹ideas/persona› to attack
    deja de atacarme continuamente stop attacking me o ( colloq) getting at me all the time
    B «sustancia» to attack; «virus/enfermedad» to attack
    el ácido ataca el mármol the acid attacks the marble
    ataca el sistema nervioso it attacks the nervous system
    me atacaron unos dolores de cabeza terribles I suffered o got terrible headaches
    me atacó el sueño I was suddenly overcome by sleep, I suddenly felt very sleepy
    1 (combatir) ‹problema/enfermedad› to attack
    atacar las causas del problema to attack the causes of the problem
    este problema hay que atacarlo de raíz we need to attack the root of this problem
    2 (acometer) ‹tarea› to tackle; ‹pieza musical› to launch into
    3 ( Ven fam) (cortejar) to go after
    Julio está atacando a Luisa Julio's after Luisa ( colloq), Julio's trying to get Luisa to go out with him
    ■ atacar
    to attack
    ( Méx fam) (atiborrarse) atacarse DE algo; to stuff oneself WITH sth ( colloq)
    * * *

    atacar ( conjugate atacar) verbo transitivo
    to attack
    atacar verbo transitivo to attack, assault
    ♦ Locuciones: familiar atacar los nervios, to lose one's cool
    ' atacar' also found in these entries:
    - diferente
    - arremeter
    - asaltar
    - detrás
    - disponer
    - attack
    - boot
    - charge
    - fire
    - go at
    - go for
    - hit out
    - lay into
    - savage
    - set on
    - set upon
    - strike
    - turn on
    - blast
    - blitz
    - hit
    - jump
    - lash
    - maul
    - mob
    - move
    - set
    - slam
    - tuck
    - turn
    * * *
    1. [con violencia] to attack
    2. Dep to attack
    3. [criticar] to attack;
    su propuesta fue atacada por los asistentes her proposal was attacked by those present
    4. [afectar]
    le atacó la risa/fiebre he had a fit of laughter/a bout of fever;
    me atacó el sueño I suddenly felt very sleepy
    5. [poner nervioso]
    ese ruido me ataca that noise gets on my nerves;
    su impuntualidad me ataca los nervios his unpunctuality gets on my nerves
    6. [emprender] to launch into;
    el tenor atacó el aria con entusiasmo the tenor launched into the aria with gusto;
    los ciclistas atacaron la última subida con gran energía the cyclists attacked the final climb energetically
    7. [corroer] to corrode;
    la humedad ataca los metales humidity corrodes metal
    8. [dañar] to attack;
    esta enfermedad ataca el sistema respiratorio this disease attacks the respiratory system
    9. Ven Fam [cortejar] to try to Br get off with o US make out with;
    no es el primer chico que la ataca he isn't the first boy to try to Br get off with o US make out with her
    1. [tropas, animal] to attack
    2. Dep to attack
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 attack;
    le atacó un fuerte lumbago he had a severe attack of lumbago;
    me atacaron ganas de … I was seized o gripped by a desire to …
    2 fig: tarta attack, tackle; tema address, tackle
    II v/i attack
    * * *
    atacar {72} v
    : to attack
    * * *
    atacar vb to attack

    Spanish-English dictionary > atacar

  • 13 instruir

    1 to instruct.
    María instruye a su hijo Mary instructs her son.
    El programa instruye la computadora The program instructs the computer.
    2 to prepare (law).
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ HUIR], like link=huir huir
    1 (enseñar) to instruct
    2 MILITAR to train
    3 DERECHO to examine, investigate
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=formar)
    a) (Educ) [+ estudiante] to instruct; [+ profesional] to train

    instruir a algn en algo — to instruct sb in sth, train sb in sth

    fuimos instruidos en el arte del engaño — we were taught the art of deception, we were instructed o trained in the art of deception

    b) (Dep) to coach, train
    c) (Mil) to train
    2) (Jur) (=tramitar) [+ caso, causa] to try, hear

    instruir las diligencias o el sumario — to institute proceedings

    VI (=enseñar)
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (adiestrar, educar)

    instruir a alguien en algoto instruct o train somebody in something

    me instruyó en su manejohe instructed o trained me in its use

    b) (frml) ( informar)
    2) (Der) < causa> to try, hear
    2. 3.
    instruirse v pron (refl) to broaden one's mind, improve oneself
    * * *
    = direct, enlighten, instruct.
    Ex. This statement directs the user to adopt a number more specific terms in preference to the general term.
    Ex. Librarians often work with students who possess few library skills and teachers whose assignments neither improve these skills nor enlighten the students on their research.
    Ex. Some of the above limitations of title indexes can be overcome by exercising a measure of control over the index terminology, and by inputting and instructing the computer to print a number of pre-determined links or references between keywords.
    * instruir una diligencia = deliver + charge.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (adiestrar, educar)

    instruir a alguien en algoto instruct o train somebody in something

    me instruyó en su manejohe instructed o trained me in its use

    b) (frml) ( informar)
    2) (Der) < causa> to try, hear
    2. 3.
    instruirse v pron (refl) to broaden one's mind, improve oneself
    * * *
    = direct, enlighten, instruct.

    Ex: This statement directs the user to adopt a number more specific terms in preference to the general term.

    Ex: Librarians often work with students who possess few library skills and teachers whose assignments neither improve these skills nor enlighten the students on their research.
    Ex: Some of the above limitations of title indexes can be overcome by exercising a measure of control over the index terminology, and by inputting and instructing the computer to print a number of pre-determined links or references between keywords.
    * instruir una diligencia = deliver + charge.

    * * *
    1 (adiestrar, educar) instruir a algn EN algo to instruct o train sb IN sth
    me instruyó en el manejo del rifle he instructed o trained me in the use of the rifle
    los instruyen en las artes marciales they are given instruction o training in martial arts, they are trained in martial arts
    2 ( frml) (informar) instruir a algn SOBRE algo to apprise sb OF sth ( frml)
    nos instruyó sobre el problema he apprised us of the problem
    B ( Der) ‹causa› to try, hear
    el juez que instruye el sumario the judge who is conducting the preliminary investigation into the case
    ■ instruir
    viajar instruye mucho travel broadens the mind
    ( refl) to broaden one's mind, improve oneself
    * * *

    instruir ( conjugate instruir) verbo transitivo (adiestrar, educar) instruir a algn en algo to instruct o train sb in sth
    instruirse verbo pronominal ( refl) to broaden one's mind, improve oneself
    instruir verbo transitivo to instruct, train
    ' instruir' also found in these entries:
    - instruct
    - school
    - brief
    * * *
    1. [enseñar] to instruct;
    la instruyó en las artes marciales he taught her martial arts
    2. Der to prepare;
    el juez que instruye el sumario the examining magistrate
    los viajes instruyen mucho travel really broadens the mind
    * * *
    1 educate; ( formar) train
    2 JUR pleito hear
    * * *
    instruir {41} vt
    1) adiestrar: to instruct, to train
    2) enseñar: to educate, to teach
    * * *
    instruir vb to instruct

    Spanish-English dictionary > instruir

  • 14 poradzić

    1. (-dzę, -dzisz); imp -; vb od radzić 2. vi perf
    * * *
    1. (= doradzić) advise; czy możesz mi coś poradzić? could you give me some advice?
    2. (= podołać jakiemuś zadaniu) cope, manage; nie mogę sobie poradzić z tym zadaniem I can't solve this problem, I can't cope with this task; poradzić komuś/czemuś overcome sb/sth; poradzić sobie z czymś manage sth.
    3. (= zaradzić czemuś) help; nic na to nie poradzę I can't help it.
    consult ( kogoś sb); seek advice ( kogoś from sb).

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > poradzić

  • 15 akıl

    ",-klı 1. reason, intelligence; wisdom, discernment, discretion. 2. mind, comprehension. 3. memory. 4. idea, opinion, thought. 5. advice. -dan 1. from memory. 2. by the use of one´s imagination. -ımda I haven´t forgotten it./I have it in mind. - akıl, gel çengele takıl. colloq. I don´t see how we can solve this problem. - akıldan üstündür. proverb It pays to consult others. - almak /dan/ to ask (someone´s) advice, consult (a person). -ını almak /ın/ to charm, bewitch, fascinate. - almamak to be incredible. -ı almamak /ı/ 1. not to understand. 2. not to believe that (it) is possible. 3. to find (it) unacceptable. - almaz unbelievable, inconceivable. -ı başında sensible, (someone) who has his/her head screwed on right. -ını başına almak/toplamak/devşirmek to come to one´s senses. -ını başından almak /ın/ 1. to deprive (someone) of his/her senses, leave (someone) unable to think straight. 2. to scare (someone) silly, scare the wits out of. -ı başından bir karış yukarı/yukarıda impulsive, rash, impetuous, (someone) who does the first thing that comes into his head. -ı başına gelmek 1. to come to one´s senses, sober down. 2. to come to. -ı başından gitmek 1. to be overwhelmed, be beside oneself. 2. to faint. -ı başında olmamak 1. to be confused, be unable to think straight. 2. to be unconscious. -ını başka yere vermek to let one´s mind wander. -ınla bin yaşa! You´re really thinking today! (said sarcastically to the author of an idea one finds absurd). -ı bokuna karışmak vulg. 1. to be frightened to death. 2. to be overcome with joy. -ını bozmak /la/ to be obsessed (with). - bu ya! colloq. We/He thought it was a good idea! -ını çalmak /ın/ 1. to enchant, fascinate, charm, captivate. 2. to influence, sway. -ını çelmek /ın/ 1. to dissuade from a good intention, cause (one) to give up a decision. 2. to corrupt, lead astray. -dan çıkarmak /ı/ to forget all about (it), give up the idea (of). -ı çıkmak to worry oneself sick, be near panic. -ından çıkmak to slip one´s mind. -ından çıkmamak 1. to stick in one´s mind. 2. to go around and around in one´s head. -ının çivisi eksik not very bright; screwy, cracked. -ı dağılmak to be unable to concentrate. - danışmak /a/ to consult, ask (someone) for advice. - defteri colloq. notebook. - doktoru colloq. psychiatrist. -ını durdurmak /ın/ (for something) to make (someone) unable to think straight. -lara durgunluk vermek (for something) to blow one´s mind. -ı durmak to be openmouthed with astonishment. -ına düşmek 1. to come back to one´s mind. 2. to come into one´s mind, strike one. - eksikliği mental deficiency. - erdirememek /a/ to be unable to fathom. -ı ermek 1. /a/ to understand, grasp. 2. to be mentally mature. - ermemek /a/ 1. not to be able to conceive of; to find inconceivable. 2. to find unacceptable. -ına eseni yapmak to act on impulse, do whatever comes into his/her head. -ına esmek to come into one´s head. - etmek /ı/ to think of (doing something) (at the right time). -ı evvel pretentious about one´s wisdom. - fikir mind: Allah akıl fikir versin! May God cause you to think straight! Aklın fikrin neredeydi? Why didn´t you think? Cafer´in aklı fikri tiyatroda. All Cafer thinks about is the theater. -ından geçirmek /ı/ to happen to think (of). -ından geçmek to occur to one, pass through one´s mind. -a gelmedik unanticipated. -ına gelmek 1. to occur to one. 2. to come back to one´s memory. -ıma gelen başıma geldi. colloq. What l was afraid of has happened. -ına geleni söylemek to speak without thinking. -ına geleni yapmak to act on impulse, do whatever comes into his/her head. -a gelmeyen başa gelir. proverb You can´t always anticipate everything. -a gelmez inconceivable; not anticipated. -ına getirmek 1. /ı, ın/ to remind (someone) of. 2. /ı/ to consider, think (of). -ı gitmek 1. to be confused, be perplexed. 2. /a/ to be taken (by). -ı gözünde (one) who believes only what he sees. - harcı olmamak /ın/ (for something) to be

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > akıl

  • 16 устанавливать

    Устанавливать на - to set at, to set for, to set to, to preset for (на какой-либо уровень); to fit on, to fit to (вмонтировать); to mount onto (на чем-либо); to retrofit, to replace (на место)
     The replenishment rate is factory set at 45 cc/minute of developer and 90 cc/minute of fixer.
     With the coolant flow rate set to an intermediate value, the venting rate was slowly increased by opening the vent control valve until it was observed that the falling drops were slightly disturbed.
     A more sophisticated mounting system has now been developed by B&W to overcome this problem and will be fitted to future installations.
    Устанавливать по
     This drift was caused by a small inadvertent increase in coal feed rate which was identified by a decrease in observed flue gas O2 content.
     In those cases displaying an overshoot, the delay time can be identified with the minimum of the Nusselt number.
    —установить выключатель в положение «ВЫКЛ», «ВКЛ», «СТОП»

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > устанавливать

  • 17 реконструкция

    Реконструкция - redesign (перепроектирование); modification, modernisation, updating (модернизация, перевооружение, обновление); conversion (переделка, связанная с переходом на новую технологию); retrofit (частичная реконструкция, связанная с заменой целого узла или агрегата); upgrade, upgrading (модернизация; полная или частичная замена старого оборудования новым); refurbishment, reinstatement (восстановление, например, трубопроводов, пришедших в негодность); repowering (об энергоблоке, энергоустановке)
     The main objective was to assess the performance and economics of the conversion.
     These two units, originally constructed in 1944 and 1945 and retired in 1984, are proposed for repowering.
     A further development followed to overcome this problem, which principally involved redesigning the system that generates and supplies light to the probe head.
     Developments in the CEGB have shown that substantial gains in efficiency can be achieved by retrofitting improved blading designs in older steam turbines.
     The assembly will then be placed on a support structure to allow for refurbishment.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > реконструкция

  • 18 superar

    1 to beat.
    queremos superar los resultados del año pasado we want to improve on o beat last year's results
    me superó por dos décimas de segundo she beat me by two tenths of a second
    superar algo/a alguien en algo to beat something/somebody for something
    nos superan en número they outnumber us
    me supera en altura/inteligencia he's taller/cleverer than me
    2 to overtake, to pass.
    3 to overcome.
    superar un examen to get through an exam
    tener algo superado to have got over something
    Ellos superan la adversidad They overcome adversity.
    4 to surpass, to exceed, to best, to excel.
    María supera a sus colegas Mary surpasses her colleagues.
    5 to outdo, to win over.
    * * *
    1 (exceder) to surpass, exceed, excel
    2 (obstáculo etc) to overcome, surmount
    1 (sobrepasarse) to excel oneself
    2 (mejorarse) to improve oneself, better oneself
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=aventajar) [+ contrincante, adversario] to overcome; [+ límite] to go beyond; [+ récord, marca] to break

    superar a algn en algo: superó al adversario en cuatro puntos — she beat her opponent by four points

    2) (=pasar con éxito) [+ dificultad] to overcome; [+ enfermedad, crisis] to get over
    3) [+ etapa] to get past
    4) [+ prueba, examen] to pass
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (ser superior a, mayor que) to exceed, go beyond
    b) ( mejorar) < marca> to beat
    a) (vencer, sobreponerse a) <timidez/dificultad/etapa> to overcome; < trauma> to get over
    b) (frml) <examen/prueba> to pass
    superarse v pron to better oneself
    * * *
    = beat, circumvent, go beyond, outperform [out-perform], outweigh, overcome, overtake, score over, outgrow, surpass, survive, go far beyond, extend + far beyond, top, outbalance, outrank, weather, get through, one-up, outwit, outdo, outsmart, ride out, exceed, outfox, go + past, outrun [out-run], best, trump, move on from, go + one better.
    Ex. It would certainly beat the usual file clerk.
    Ex. Plainly, the familiarization stage is circumvented in a computer-based indexing system with machine-assigned terms.
    Ex. Maybe the answer is some kind of localized Ceefax or Oracle information service that could be obtained free through one's television set but went beyond the mainly trivia that these services currently provide.
    Ex. Numerous experiment have tried to determine if free-text searching outperform searching with the aid of a controlled index language.
    Ex. It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.
    Ex. Analytical cataloguing seeks to overcome physical packaging.
    Ex. Why have card-based systems been overtaken by computer databases?.
    Ex. A Permuterm index scores over a Double-KWIC index in that it avoids repetitive printing of one title.
    Ex. We outgrow the school, we cannot outgrow the library.
    Ex. The advantages of the system far surpass any disadvantages.
    Ex. The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.
    Ex. These changes in the physical form of the catalog have implications which go far beyond changes in form or even in improvements in speed and convenience to the catalog user.
    Ex. We have seen that the relationships of the Publications Office with the institutions and other bodies of the European Communities may in theory, but do not yet in practice extend far beyond those with the six managing institutions.
    Ex. As public library circ declines, spending continues to top inflation.
    Ex. The large profits to be made in this field will outbalance the problems that may lie ahead.
    Ex. One node in the star graphic completely outranks the others, while the other six themselves are interchangeable.
    Ex. The small publishers seem to be weathering the industry changes, and have expectations of growth.
    Ex. I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
    Ex. This remake of William Castle's action adventure adds a genuinely supernatural plot to the old story of the duplicitous wife scheming to kill her husband but being one-upped by his even more ingenious counterplots.
    Ex. Two dangerous trysts are spied upon by a third and hostile party, whose presence is detected by the lovers who act in consort to outwit him.
    Ex. This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and lovable identical twin brother.
    Ex. Smart and speedy start-ups blindside mature companies with their inventiveness then grow up into mature companies and are outsmarted in their turn.
    Ex. Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
    Ex. In the same way, files of item record cards can be difficult to manage if the file size exceeds, say, 2000 cards.
    Ex. It also led to a continuing guerilla war between the authorities and caricaturists who sought to evade, outfox, or entirely defy them.
    Ex. Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
    Ex. But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.
    Ex. Back in 2001, the tossed salad they prepared fed some 5,000, which then bested the record held by a community in Utah in the United States.
    Ex. If prejudice is allowed to trump the rights that all citizens should enjoy, then everyone's freedoms are ultimately endangered.
    Ex. He is moving on from the past and looking forward to a tremendous future helping to educate parents from his personal experiences.
    Ex. I think Murray will go one better than Wimbledon, but will lose to Federer again in the final.
    * ayudar a superar = get + Nombre + through.
    * capaz de adaptarse y superar adversidades = resilient.
    * con el propósito de superarse uno mismo = self-improvement-oriented.
    * nada supera a = nothing beats....
    * no superar la prueba de = not stand the test of.
    * ser difícil de superar = take + some beating.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * superar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * superar barreras = hurdle + barriers.
    * superar el intento = resist + effort.
    * superar el miedo = overcome + Posesivo + fear, conquer + fear.
    * superar el nerviosismo = overcome + nervousness.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar en número = outnumber.
    * superar la barrera del tiempo = cross + time barriers.
    * superar la etapa de = move on from.
    * superar las expectativas = exceed + expectations.
    * superarse a sí mismo = pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps.
    * superarse a Uno Mismo = make + the best of + Reflexivo.
    * superarse para hacer frente a Algo = rise to + meet.
    * superar una barrera = conquer + barrier.
    * superar una crisis = ford + crisis, survive + crisis.
    * superar una deficiencia = overcome + weakness.
    * superar una dificultad = overcome + difficulty, get over + difficulty.
    * superar una limitación = overcome + limitation, tackle + limitation.
    * superar un análisis minucioso = stand up to + scrutiny, stand up to + examination.
    * superar una situación difícil = weather + the bumpy ride, weather + the storm.
    * superar un examen = pass + examination, pass + an exam.
    * superar un obstáculo = overcome + obstacle, jump over + hurdle, overcome + barrier, conquer + barrier.
    * superar un peligro = overcome + danger.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * verse superado sólo por = be second only to.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) (ser superior a, mayor que) to exceed, go beyond
    b) ( mejorar) < marca> to beat
    a) (vencer, sobreponerse a) <timidez/dificultad/etapa> to overcome; < trauma> to get over
    b) (frml) <examen/prueba> to pass
    superarse v pron to better oneself
    * * *
    = beat, circumvent, go beyond, outperform [out-perform], outweigh, overcome, overtake, score over, outgrow, surpass, survive, go far beyond, extend + far beyond, top, outbalance, outrank, weather, get through, one-up, outwit, outdo, outsmart, ride out, exceed, outfox, go + past, outrun [out-run], best, trump, move on from, go + one better.

    Ex: It would certainly beat the usual file clerk.

    Ex: Plainly, the familiarization stage is circumvented in a computer-based indexing system with machine-assigned terms.
    Ex: Maybe the answer is some kind of localized Ceefax or Oracle information service that could be obtained free through one's television set but went beyond the mainly trivia that these services currently provide.
    Ex: Numerous experiment have tried to determine if free-text searching outperform searching with the aid of a controlled index language.
    Ex: It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.
    Ex: Analytical cataloguing seeks to overcome physical packaging.
    Ex: Why have card-based systems been overtaken by computer databases?.
    Ex: A Permuterm index scores over a Double-KWIC index in that it avoids repetitive printing of one title.
    Ex: We outgrow the school, we cannot outgrow the library.
    Ex: The advantages of the system far surpass any disadvantages.
    Ex: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.
    Ex: These changes in the physical form of the catalog have implications which go far beyond changes in form or even in improvements in speed and convenience to the catalog user.
    Ex: We have seen that the relationships of the Publications Office with the institutions and other bodies of the European Communities may in theory, but do not yet in practice extend far beyond those with the six managing institutions.
    Ex: As public library circ declines, spending continues to top inflation.
    Ex: The large profits to be made in this field will outbalance the problems that may lie ahead.
    Ex: One node in the star graphic completely outranks the others, while the other six themselves are interchangeable.
    Ex: The small publishers seem to be weathering the industry changes, and have expectations of growth.
    Ex: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
    Ex: This remake of William Castle's action adventure adds a genuinely supernatural plot to the old story of the duplicitous wife scheming to kill her husband but being one-upped by his even more ingenious counterplots.
    Ex: Two dangerous trysts are spied upon by a third and hostile party, whose presence is detected by the lovers who act in consort to outwit him.
    Ex: This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and lovable identical twin brother.
    Ex: Smart and speedy start-ups blindside mature companies with their inventiveness then grow up into mature companies and are outsmarted in their turn.
    Ex: Without any significant restructuring, the LIS programme in Iran will provide little in the way of riding out the rapid transition that the field is currently experiencing.
    Ex: In the same way, files of item record cards can be difficult to manage if the file size exceeds, say, 2000 cards.
    Ex: It also led to a continuing guerilla war between the authorities and caricaturists who sought to evade, outfox, or entirely defy them.
    Ex: Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
    Ex: But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.
    Ex: Back in 2001, the tossed salad they prepared fed some 5,000, which then bested the record held by a community in Utah in the United States.
    Ex: If prejudice is allowed to trump the rights that all citizens should enjoy, then everyone's freedoms are ultimately endangered.
    Ex: He is moving on from the past and looking forward to a tremendous future helping to educate parents from his personal experiences.
    Ex: I think Murray will go one better than Wimbledon, but will lose to Federer again in the final.
    * ayudar a superar = get + Nombre + through.
    * capaz de adaptarse y superar adversidades = resilient.
    * con el propósito de superarse uno mismo = self-improvement-oriented.
    * nada supera a = nothing beats....
    * no superar la prueba de = not stand the test of.
    * ser difícil de superar = take + some beating.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * superar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * superar barreras = hurdle + barriers.
    * superar el intento = resist + effort.
    * superar el miedo = overcome + Posesivo + fear, conquer + fear.
    * superar el nerviosismo = overcome + nervousness.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar en número = outnumber.
    * superar la barrera del tiempo = cross + time barriers.
    * superar la etapa de = move on from.
    * superar las expectativas = exceed + expectations.
    * superarse a sí mismo = pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps.
    * superarse a Uno Mismo = make + the best of + Reflexivo.
    * superarse para hacer frente a Algo = rise to + meet.
    * superar una barrera = conquer + barrier.
    * superar una crisis = ford + crisis, survive + crisis.
    * superar una deficiencia = overcome + weakness.
    * superar una dificultad = overcome + difficulty, get over + difficulty.
    * superar una limitación = overcome + limitation, tackle + limitation.
    * superar un análisis minucioso = stand up to + scrutiny, stand up to + examination.
    * superar una situación difícil = weather + the bumpy ride, weather + the storm.
    * superar un examen = pass + examination, pass + an exam.
    * superar un obstáculo = overcome + obstacle, jump over + hurdle, overcome + barrier, conquer + barrier.
    * superar un peligro = overcome + danger.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * verse superado sólo por = be second only to.

    * * *
    superar [A1 ]
    1 (ser superior a, mayor que) to exceed, go beyond
    un éxito que supera todas las expectativas a success which goes beyond o exceeds o surpasses all expectations
    la realidad supera a la ficción fact o truth is stranger than fiction
    el horror de estas escenas supera todo lo imaginable the horror of these scenes goes beyond anything one could imagine
    nadie lo supera en experiencia ni habilidad nobody can surpass him in experience or skill, nobody can surpass his experience or skill
    nos superan en número they outnumber us
    supera en estatura a su hermano mayor he's taller than his elder brother
    supera en tres puntos la cifra de ayer it is three points higher than yesterday's figure, it surpasses yesterday's figure by three points
    2 (mejorar) to beat
    logró superar su propio récord he managed to beat his own record
    ese método está totalmente superado that method has been completely superseded
    1 (vencer, sobreponerse a) ‹timidez/dificultad/etapa› to overcome
    trata de superar estas diferencias try to overcome o get over these differences
    no ha logrado superar el trauma que le supuso el accidente he has not got(ten) over the trauma of the accident
    ya hemos superado la etapa más difícil we've already got(ten) through o over the most difficult stage
    hace tres meses que rompimos pero ya lo tengo superado we split up three months ago but I've got(ten) over it o I'm over it now
    2 ( frml); ‹examen/prueba› to pass
    to better oneself
    * * *


    superar ( conjugate superar) verbo transitivo

    nadie lo supera en experiencia no one has more experience than him;
    supera en estatura a su hermano he's taller than his brother
    b) ( mejorar) ‹ marca to beat

    a) (vencer, sobreponerse a) ‹timidez/dificultad/etapa to overcome;

    trauma to get over
    b) (frml) ‹examen/prueba to pass

    superarse verbo pronominal
    to better oneself
    superar verbo transitivo
    1 (estar por encima de) to exceed: tu hermana te supera en altura, your sister is taller than you
    la temperatura superó los treinta grados, the temperature rose above thirty degrees
    (expectativas) esto supera todo lo imaginado, this defies the imagination
    (un récord, una marca) to beat, break
    2 (pasar, sobreponerse) to overcome
    (un examen) to pass, get through
    ' superar' also found in these entries:
    - ganar
    - sacar
    - salir
    - salvar
    - sobreponerse
    - vencer
    - volver
    - cabeza
    - creces
    - exceder
    - marca
    - beating
    - carry through
    - coast
    - corner
    - deal with
    - excel
    - get over
    - get past
    - handicap
    - improve on
    - outdo
    - outnumber
    - overcome
    - overtake
    - pull through
    - surmount
    - surpass
    - top
    - exceed
    - get
    - negotiate
    - out
    - over
    - rise
    - shrug
    - survive
    - transcend
    * * *
    1. [aventajar] to beat;
    superar algo/a alguien en algo to beat sth/sb for sth;
    nos superan en número they outnumber us;
    me supera en altura/inteligencia he's taller/cleverer than me
    2. [sobrepasar] [récord] to break;
    queremos superar los resultados del año pasado we want to improve on o beat last year's results;
    me superó por dos décimas de segundo she beat me by two tenths of a second
    3. [adelantar] to overtake, to pass;
    superó a su rival en la recta final she overtook her rival on the home straight
    4. [época, técnica]
    estar superado to have been superseded
    5. [complejo, crisis, enfermedad] to overcome, to get over;
    no ha superado la pérdida de su mujer he has not overcome the loss of his wife;
    tener algo superado to have got over sth
    6. [examen, prueba] to pass
    * * *
    v/t persona beat; límite go beyond, exceed; obstáculo overcome, surmount
    * * *
    1) : to surpass, to exceed
    2) : to overcome, to surmount
    * * *
    1. (vencer problema, etc) to overcome [pt. overcame; pp. overcome]
    2. (pasar) to pass
    3. (ser mejor) to be better / to surpass
    4. (ser más) to be more / to be over
    el porcentaje de aprobados supera el 85% the percentage of passes is over 85%

    Spanish-English dictionary > superar

  • 19 problema

    1 problem.
    el problema del terrorismo the terrorist problem, the problem of terrorism
    los niños no causan más que problemas children cause nothing but trouble o problems
    el problema es que no nos queda tiempo the problem o thing is that we don't have any time left
    2 glitch, bug.
    * * *
    1 problem
    dar problemas to cause problems
    tener problemas con to have trouble with
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1. SM
    1) (=dificultad) problem

    ¿tienes problemas de dinero? — do you have any money worries o financial problems?

    2) (Mat) problem
    3) Méx (=accidente) accident, mishap
    ADJ INV (=problemático) problem antes de s
    * * *
    masculino problem

    resolver/solucionar un problema — to solve a problem

    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas — if they find out, you'll be in trouble

    no te hagas problema — (AmL) don't worry about it

    * * *
    = dilemma, issue, problem, rough spot, snag, bug, hitch, mischief, trouble spot, tyranny, catch, tribulation, show-stopper [showstopper], hassle, rub, kink, kicker.
    Ex. Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.
    Ex. These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex. When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex. But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex. Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.
    Ex. A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
    Ex. Keeping pace with these changes may well mean more work than the seven year hitch experienced by DC users.
    Ex. The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex. The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.
    Ex. Information access, such as satellites, overcomes the tyranny of distance for students, teachers and researchers in Australasia.
    Ex. Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex. The author discusses the tribulations of equipment selection.
    Ex. In engineering use, a show-stopper is usually some aspect of a project that is so bad that it threatens to cancel the project unless it is corrected.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex. But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.
    Ex. However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.
    Ex. The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.
    * abordar un problema = address + problem.
    * acción de averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooting [trouble shooting].
    * aclarar un problema = clear up + problem.
    * acometer un problema = attack + problem.
    * acosado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * acotar un problema = delineate + problem.
    * acuciado por problemas = embattled.
    * acumular problemas = build up + problems.
    * afrontar los problemas cotidianos = grapple with + life's problems.
    * afrontar un problema = face + issue, confront + problem.
    * agobiado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * agravar un problema = compound + problem.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * anticipar un problema = anticipate + problem.
    * aprendizaje a través de solución de problemas = problem based learning.
    * aquejado de problemas = troubled, ailing.
    * arreglar un problema = fix + problem.
    * asediado por problemas = embattled.
    * atajar un problema = grapple with + problem.
    * ausencia de problemas = smoothness.
    * averiguar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * capacidad de resolver problemas = problem-solving ability.
    * causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.
    * combatir un problema = combat + problem.
    * complicar un problema = compound + problem.
    * con problemas = in hot water.
    * con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled.
    * con problemas de lectura = print disabled.
    * con problemas de vista = vision impaired.
    * con problemas visuales = vision impaired.
    * considerar un problema = consider + problem.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * corregir un problema = correct + problem.
    * crear problemas = make + waves, build up + problems, make + trouble.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * debatir un problema = discuss + problem.
    * decisión precipitada ante un problema = crisis decision.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * definición del problema = problem statement.
    * definir un problema = delineate + problem.
    * delimitar un problema = isolate + problem.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * detectar un problema = spot + problem, spot + trouble.
    * diagnosticar el problema = diagnose + problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + issue, face + issue, face + problem, come up against + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse un problema = confront + problem, experience + problem.
    * enunciado del problema = problem statement.
    * esbozar un problema = outline + problem.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar el problema = sidestep + the problem.
    * esquivar un problema = duck + issue.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * evitar problemas = stay out of + trouble.
    * evitar un problema = avoid + problem.
    * exarcerbar un problema = inflame + problem.
    * exteriorizar un problema = externalise + problem.
    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.
    * franquear un problema = negotiate + problem.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * identificar un problema = outline + problem, identify + problem, isolate + problem.
    * ilustrar un problema = illustrate + problem.
    * investigar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * lleno de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-ridden.
    * llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.
    * mencionar un problema = bring + problem up.
    * meterse en problemas = get into + trouble.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.
    * ocasionar problemas = cause + problems.
    * orientado hacia la resolución de problemas = problem-orientated, problem-oriented.
    * paliar problemas = minimise + problems.
    * paliar un problema = solve + problem.
    * percatarse de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * plagado de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-wracked [problem-racked].
    * plagar de problemas = bedevil.
    * plantear un problema = pose + dilemma, pose + problem, raise + question, raise + concern, raise + issue, raise + problem, articulate + problem.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * problema + acosar = problem + dog.
    * problema acuciante = pressing problem.
    * problema + acuciar = problem + beset.
    * problema + afectar = problem + afflict, problem + plague.
    * problema + afligir = problem + afflict.
    * problema + agravar = problem + exacerbate.
    * problema alimenticio = eating problem.
    * problema asociado = attending problem.
    * problema auditivo = hearing problem.
    * problema + avecinarse = problem + lie ahead.
    * problema cada vez mayor = growing problem.
    * problema con el alcohol = drinking problem.
    * problema con los niños de la llave = latchkey problem.
    * problema cotidiano = daily problem.
    * problema de comportamiento = behaviour problem, behavioural problem.
    * problema de espacio = space problem.
    * problema de imagen = image problem.
    * problema de peso = weight problem.
    * problema de salud = health problem.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * problema de seguridad = security problem.
    * problema diario = daily problem.
    * problema difícil = thorny problem, poser.
    * problema difícil de resolver = tough nut to crack, hard nut to crack, brain tickler.
    * problema doméstico = domestic problem.
    * problema económico = economic problem, financial problem.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * problema en la escuela = school problem.
    * problema escolar = school problem.
    * problema espinoso = knotty problem, thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + estar = problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problema familiar = family problem.
    * problema informático = computing problem.
    * problema inicial = startup problem.
    * problema insoluble = insoluble problem.
    * problema monetario = monetary problem.
    * problema motriz = motor disability.
    * problema peliagudo = thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + persistir = problem + persist.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * problema + plantearse = problem + come with.
    * problema práctico = practical problem.
    * problema racial = racial conflict, ethnic conflict.
    * problema + radicar = trouble + lie.
    * problema real = real problem.
    * problema + residir = problem + reside, problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problemas = trouble, crisis [crises, -pl.], problem areas, trials and tribulations, trouble at mill.
    * problemas auditivos = impaired hearing, hearing impairment, hearing disability.
    * problemas cada vez mayores = mounting problems.
    * problemas con el alcohol = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la bebida = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la vista = poor eyesight.
    * problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].
    * problemas del crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas de lectura = reading difficulties.
    * problemas dentales = dental disease.
    * problemas de oído = poor hearing.
    * problema seguro = accident waiting to happen.
    * problemas familiares = family crisis.
    * problemas + girar en torno a = problems + turn on, problems + revolve around.
    * problemas inherentes al crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas iniciales = teething problems, teething troubles, growing pains.
    * problema siquiátrico = psychiatric problem.
    * problema social = societal problem, social problem.
    * problemas sociales = social crisis.
    * problema + surgir = problem + arise, problem + surface, problem + come with.
    * problemas visuales = visual impairment.
    * problema técnico = glitch, technical difficulty, technical problem.
    * problema técnico desconocido = gremlin.
    * quitar importancia a un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * resolución de problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * resolver los problemas = iron out + the bugs.
    * resolver un problema = resolve + issue, resolve + problem, solve + problem, work out + problem, unlock + problem, settle + problem, sort out + problem, clear up + problem, work + problem + through, address + limitation, straighten out + problem, iron out + problem, work out + kink.
    * sacar a colación un problema = bring + problem up.
    * salvar un problema = circumvent + problem, negotiate + problem.
    * ser un problema = be at issue.
    * sin meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * solución a problemas = problem solution.
    * solucionar los problemas = put + things right.
    * solucionar problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * solucionar un problema = solve + problem, settle + problem, iron out + problem.
    * subproblema = sub-problem [subproblem].
    * subsanar un problema = remedy + problem.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * surgir un problema de credibilidad = credibility gap + arise.
    * suscitar un problema = provoke + problem, raise + problem, raise + concern.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener un problema = experience + problem.
    * tener un problema medio resuelto = have + problem half licked.
    * tocar un problema = touch on/upon + problem.
    * toparse con un problema = encounter + problem, come across + problem.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * trivializar un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * tropezar con problemas = run into + problems.
    * * *
    masculino problem

    resolver/solucionar un problema — to solve a problem

    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas — if they find out, you'll be in trouble

    no te hagas problema — (AmL) don't worry about it

    * * *
    = dilemma, issue, problem, rough spot, snag, bug, hitch, mischief, trouble spot, tyranny, catch, tribulation, show-stopper [showstopper], hassle, rub, kink, kicker.

    Ex: Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.

    Ex: These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex: When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex: Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.
    Ex: A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
    Ex: Keeping pace with these changes may well mean more work than the seven year hitch experienced by DC users.
    Ex: The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex: The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.
    Ex: Information access, such as satellites, overcomes the tyranny of distance for students, teachers and researchers in Australasia.
    Ex: Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex: The author discusses the tribulations of equipment selection.
    Ex: In engineering use, a show-stopper is usually some aspect of a project that is so bad that it threatens to cancel the project unless it is corrected.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex: But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.
    Ex: However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.
    Ex: The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.
    * abordar un problema = address + problem.
    * acción de averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooting [trouble shooting].
    * aclarar un problema = clear up + problem.
    * acometer un problema = attack + problem.
    * acosado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * acotar un problema = delineate + problem.
    * acuciado por problemas = embattled.
    * acumular problemas = build up + problems.
    * afrontar los problemas cotidianos = grapple with + life's problems.
    * afrontar un problema = face + issue, confront + problem.
    * agobiado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * agravar un problema = compound + problem.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * anticipar un problema = anticipate + problem.
    * aprendizaje a través de solución de problemas = problem based learning.
    * aquejado de problemas = troubled, ailing.
    * arreglar un problema = fix + problem.
    * asediado por problemas = embattled.
    * atajar un problema = grapple with + problem.
    * ausencia de problemas = smoothness.
    * averiguar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * capacidad de resolver problemas = problem-solving ability.
    * causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.
    * combatir un problema = combat + problem.
    * complicar un problema = compound + problem.
    * con problemas = in hot water.
    * con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled.
    * con problemas de lectura = print disabled.
    * con problemas de vista = vision impaired.
    * con problemas visuales = vision impaired.
    * considerar un problema = consider + problem.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * corregir un problema = correct + problem.
    * crear problemas = make + waves, build up + problems, make + trouble.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * debatir un problema = discuss + problem.
    * decisión precipitada ante un problema = crisis decision.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * definición del problema = problem statement.
    * definir un problema = delineate + problem.
    * delimitar un problema = isolate + problem.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * detectar un problema = spot + problem, spot + trouble.
    * diagnosticar el problema = diagnose + problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + issue, face + issue, face + problem, come up against + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse un problema = confront + problem, experience + problem.
    * enunciado del problema = problem statement.
    * esbozar un problema = outline + problem.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar el problema = sidestep + the problem.
    * esquivar un problema = duck + issue.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * evitar problemas = stay out of + trouble.
    * evitar un problema = avoid + problem.
    * exarcerbar un problema = inflame + problem.
    * exteriorizar un problema = externalise + problem.
    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.
    * franquear un problema = negotiate + problem.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * identificar un problema = outline + problem, identify + problem, isolate + problem.
    * ilustrar un problema = illustrate + problem.
    * investigar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * lleno de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-ridden.
    * llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.
    * mencionar un problema = bring + problem up.
    * meterse en problemas = get into + trouble.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.
    * ocasionar problemas = cause + problems.
    * orientado hacia la resolución de problemas = problem-orientated, problem-oriented.
    * paliar problemas = minimise + problems.
    * paliar un problema = solve + problem.
    * percatarse de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * plagado de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-wracked [problem-racked].
    * plagar de problemas = bedevil.
    * plantear un problema = pose + dilemma, pose + problem, raise + question, raise + concern, raise + issue, raise + problem, articulate + problem.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * problema + acosar = problem + dog.
    * problema acuciante = pressing problem.
    * problema + acuciar = problem + beset.
    * problema + afectar = problem + afflict, problem + plague.
    * problema + afligir = problem + afflict.
    * problema + agravar = problem + exacerbate.
    * problema alimenticio = eating problem.
    * problema asociado = attending problem.
    * problema auditivo = hearing problem.
    * problema + avecinarse = problem + lie ahead.
    * problema cada vez mayor = growing problem.
    * problema con el alcohol = drinking problem.
    * problema con los niños de la llave = latchkey problem.
    * problema cotidiano = daily problem.
    * problema de comportamiento = behaviour problem, behavioural problem.
    * problema de espacio = space problem.
    * problema de imagen = image problem.
    * problema de peso = weight problem.
    * problema de salud = health problem.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * problema de seguridad = security problem.
    * problema diario = daily problem.
    * problema difícil = thorny problem, poser.
    * problema difícil de resolver = tough nut to crack, hard nut to crack, brain tickler.
    * problema doméstico = domestic problem.
    * problema económico = economic problem, financial problem.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * problema en la escuela = school problem.
    * problema escolar = school problem.
    * problema espinoso = knotty problem, thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + estar = problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problema familiar = family problem.
    * problema informático = computing problem.
    * problema inicial = startup problem.
    * problema insoluble = insoluble problem.
    * problema monetario = monetary problem.
    * problema motriz = motor disability.
    * problema peliagudo = thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema pequeño = a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.
    * problema + persistir = problem + persist.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * problema + plantearse = problem + come with.
    * problema práctico = practical problem.
    * problema racial = racial conflict, ethnic conflict.
    * problema + radicar = trouble + lie.
    * problema real = real problem.
    * problema + residir = problem + reside, problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problemas = trouble, crisis [crises, -pl.], problem areas, trials and tribulations, trouble at mill.
    * problemas auditivos = impaired hearing, hearing impairment, hearing disability.
    * problemas cada vez mayores = mounting problems.
    * problemas con el alcohol = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la bebida = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la vista = poor eyesight.
    * problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].
    * problemas del crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas de lectura = reading difficulties.
    * problemas dentales = dental disease.
    * problemas de oído = poor hearing.
    * problema seguro = accident waiting to happen.
    * problemas familiares = family crisis.
    * problemas + girar en torno a = problems + turn on, problems + revolve around.
    * problemas inherentes al crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas iniciales = teething problems, teething troubles, growing pains.
    * problema siquiátrico = psychiatric problem.
    * problema social = societal problem, social problem.
    * problemas sociales = social crisis.
    * problema + surgir = problem + arise, problem + surface, problem + come with.
    * problemas visuales = visual impairment.
    * problema técnico = glitch, technical difficulty, technical problem.
    * problema técnico desconocido = gremlin.
    * quitar importancia a un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * resolución de problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * resolver los problemas = iron out + the bugs.
    * resolver un problema = resolve + issue, resolve + problem, solve + problem, work out + problem, unlock + problem, settle + problem, sort out + problem, clear up + problem, work + problem + through, address + limitation, straighten out + problem, iron out + problem, work out + kink.
    * sacar a colación un problema = bring + problem up.
    * salvar un problema = circumvent + problem, negotiate + problem.
    * ser un problema = be at issue.
    * sin meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * solución a problemas = problem solution.
    * solucionar los problemas = put + things right.
    * solucionar problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * solucionar un problema = solve + problem, settle + problem, iron out + problem.
    * subproblema = sub-problem [subproblem].
    * subsanar un problema = remedy + problem.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * surgir un problema de credibilidad = credibility gap + arise.
    * suscitar un problema = provoke + problem, raise + problem, raise + concern.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener un problema = experience + problem.
    * tener un problema medio resuelto = have + problem half licked.
    * tocar un problema = touch on/upon + problem.
    * toparse con un problema = encounter + problem, come across + problem.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * trivializar un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * tropezar con problemas = run into + problems.

    * * *
    1 ( Mat) problem
    resolver un problema to solve a problem
    2 (dificultad, preocupación) problem
    nos está creando muchos problemas it is causing us a lot of problems o a lot of trouble
    problemas económicos financial difficulties o problems
    me gustaría ir, el problema es que no tengo dinero I'd like to go, the snag o trouble o problem o thing is I don't have any money
    los coches viejos siempre dan muchos problemas old cars always give a lot of trouble, old cars always play up a lot ( colloq)
    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas if they find out, you'll be in trouble
    no te hagas problema ( AmL); don't worry about it
    * * *


    problema sustantivo masculino
    resolver/solucionar un problema to solve a problem;

    los coches viejos dan muchos problemas old cars give a lot of trouble;
    no te hagas problema (AmL) don't worry about it
    problema sustantivo masculino problem: les está dando muchos problemas, it is giving them a lot of trouble
    problemas económicos, financial difficulties

    ' problema' also found in these entries:
    - acotar
    - circunscribirse
    - comprensión
    - conciencia
    - concienciarse
    - conjuntamente
    - contingente
    - deforestación
    - desarrollo
    - desforestación
    - desmenuzar
    - diferente
    - drogodependencia
    - eficacia
    - encarar
    - endemoniada
    - endemoniado
    - enfocar
    - enfocada
    - enfocado
    - enfoque
    - enrevesada
    - enrevesado
    - enunciado
    - inconveniente
    - intrincada
    - intrincado
    - magnitud
    - mano
    - orden
    - plantear
    - presentarse
    - profundizar
    - profundidad
    - radicar
    - raíz
    - remediar
    - remontar
    - replantear
    - resolución
    - resolver
    - robar
    - rompecabezas
    - salida
    - sencilla
    - sencillez
    - sencillo
    - sensibilizar
    - sinsabor
    - appreciate
    - appreciation
    - approach
    - approachable
    - arithmetic
    - attack
    - avenue
    - awkward
    - bit
    - bypass
    - can
    - care
    - central
    - come up
    - compound
    - deal with
    - define
    - devil
    - difficulty
    - emerge
    - emotional
    - form
    - formidable
    - graft
    - grapple
    - growing
    - hard
    - hassle
    - ignore
    - issue
    - knotty
    - knowledge
    - land
    - lie
    - magnitude
    - major
    - matter
    - meditate
    - meet with
    - nut
    - object
    - outstanding
    - overcome
    - pin down
    - pose
    - present
    - problem
    - question
    - relation
    * * *
    1. [dificultad] problem;
    el problema del terrorismo the terrorist problem, the problem of terrorism;
    los niños no causan más que problemas children cause nothing but trouble o problems;
    no quiero más problemas I don't want any more trouble;
    el problema es que no nos queda tiempo the problem o thing is that we don't have any time left;
    no te hagas problema don't worry about it
    2. [matemático] problem;
    resolver un problema to solve a problem
    * * *
    m problem;
    sin problema without difficulty, without any problems
    * * *
    : problem
    * * *
    problema n problem

    Spanish-English dictionary > problema

  • 20 obstáculo

    obstacle, drag, snag, balk.
    * * *
    1 (barrera) obstacle
    2 (inconveniente) objection
    3 (valla) fence, jump
    salvar un obstáculo to overcome an obstacle
    carrera de obstáculos (para niños) obstacle race 2 (de caballos, atletas) steeplechase
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) [físico] obstacle
    carrera 2)
    2) (=dificultad) obstacle, hindrance

    poner obstáculos a algo/algn — to hinder sth/sb

    * * *
    masculino obstacle

    superar or salvar un obstáculo — to overcome an obstacle

    no fue obstáculo para que ganarait did not stop o prevent him (from) winning

    * * *
    = encumbrance, handicap, hurdle, impairment, impediment, rough spot, wall, barrier, bottleneck, hindrance, obstacle, inhibition, obstruction, stumbling block, bar, blockage, roadblock, block.
    Ex. Meanwhile we are asked to accept encumbrances that will needlessly impair the effectiveness of our catalogs for an indefinite time to come.
    Ex. A high exhaustivity of indexing, then, is beneficial where a thorough search is required, but may be a handicap when only a few highly relevant documents are sought.
    Ex. Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    Ex. A well-designed multimodal application can be used by people with a wide variety of impairments.
    Ex. It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.
    Ex. But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex. In the map library, the electronic medium is shaking the foundations of cartographic communication and threatening the bring the walls crashing down.
    Ex. While the number of projects proposed was innumerable, 3 barriers remain: red tape; hard currency; and Western barriers to providing high technology to the Eastern bloc.
    Ex. A number of research groups have investigated the use of knowledge-based systems as a means of avoiding this bottleneck.
    Ex. The overall effect of the labels and signs is not so much help but hindrance through information overload.
    Ex. Conversely, an unsympathetic principal can be the greatest obstacle to library development within a school.
    Ex. This has been a major source of inhibition to the development of British efforts to create a bank of microcopy versions of theses accepted.
    Ex. Harmonization of technical standards is one of the Community's principal goals in creating a common market devoid of obstructions to the free movement of goods.
    Ex. These stumbling blocks can often be bypassed in the initial stages of OSI implementation by choosing applications that do not require close integration with existing library systems.
    Ex. Publications describing or revealing an invention can be a bar to issuance of a patent.
    Ex. The problem in relation to communication is probably the most difficult of them all, as the blockage lies in people rather than with the library.
    Ex. The roadblock to increasing book translations into English is not that there is insufficient funding but that few publishers know about grant schemes that are available.
    Ex. Emotional blocks to reading can be formed by an unsatisfactory relationship with a teacher.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * carrera de obstáculos = steeplechase.
    * constituir un obstáculo = constitute + an obstacle.
    * creación de obstáculos = fence building.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * encontrarse con un obstáculo = face + obstacle.
    * enfrentarse a un obstáculo = address + barrier.
    * obstáculo insalvable = insurmountable obstacle.
    * obstáculos = logjam [log-jam].
    * poner obstáculos = cramp.
    * preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos = land-clearing.
    * presentar un obstáculo = pose + obstacle.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo = remove + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo, eliminar un obstáculo = remove + obstacle.
    * ser un obstáculo = stand in + the way (of).
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstáculos, sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * superar un obstáculo = overcome + obstacle, jump over + hurdle, overcome + barrier, conquer + barrier.
    * vencer un obstáculo = surmount + obstacle, conquer + barrier.
    * * *
    masculino obstacle

    superar or salvar un obstáculo — to overcome an obstacle

    no fue obstáculo para que ganarait did not stop o prevent him (from) winning

    * * *
    = encumbrance, handicap, hurdle, impairment, impediment, rough spot, wall, barrier, bottleneck, hindrance, obstacle, inhibition, obstruction, stumbling block, bar, blockage, roadblock, block.

    Ex: Meanwhile we are asked to accept encumbrances that will needlessly impair the effectiveness of our catalogs for an indefinite time to come.

    Ex: A high exhaustivity of indexing, then, is beneficial where a thorough search is required, but may be a handicap when only a few highly relevant documents are sought.
    Ex: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    Ex: A well-designed multimodal application can be used by people with a wide variety of impairments.
    Ex: It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.
    Ex: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex: In the map library, the electronic medium is shaking the foundations of cartographic communication and threatening the bring the walls crashing down.
    Ex: While the number of projects proposed was innumerable, 3 barriers remain: red tape; hard currency; and Western barriers to providing high technology to the Eastern bloc.
    Ex: A number of research groups have investigated the use of knowledge-based systems as a means of avoiding this bottleneck.
    Ex: The overall effect of the labels and signs is not so much help but hindrance through information overload.
    Ex: Conversely, an unsympathetic principal can be the greatest obstacle to library development within a school.
    Ex: This has been a major source of inhibition to the development of British efforts to create a bank of microcopy versions of theses accepted.
    Ex: Harmonization of technical standards is one of the Community's principal goals in creating a common market devoid of obstructions to the free movement of goods.
    Ex: These stumbling blocks can often be bypassed in the initial stages of OSI implementation by choosing applications that do not require close integration with existing library systems.
    Ex: Publications describing or revealing an invention can be a bar to issuance of a patent.
    Ex: The problem in relation to communication is probably the most difficult of them all, as the blockage lies in people rather than with the library.
    Ex: The roadblock to increasing book translations into English is not that there is insufficient funding but that few publishers know about grant schemes that are available.
    Ex: Emotional blocks to reading can be formed by an unsatisfactory relationship with a teacher.
    * ayudar a eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * carrera de obstáculos = steeplechase.
    * constituir un obstáculo = constitute + an obstacle.
    * creación de obstáculos = fence building.
    * eliminar obstáculos = clear + the path, clear + the way.
    * eliminar un obstáculo = remove + barrier, sweep away + obstacle.
    * encontrarse con un obstáculo = face + obstacle.
    * enfrentarse a un obstáculo = address + barrier.
    * obstáculo insalvable = insurmountable obstacle.
    * obstáculos = logjam [log-jam].
    * poner obstáculos = cramp.
    * preparación del terreno eliminando todo tipo de obstáculos = land-clearing.
    * presentar un obstáculo = pose + obstacle.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * reducir un obstáculo = lower + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo = remove + barrier.
    * remover un obstáculo, eliminar un obstáculo = remove + obstacle.
    * ser un obstáculo = stand in + the way (of).
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstáculos, sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * superar un obstáculo = overcome + obstacle, jump over + hurdle, overcome + barrier, conquer + barrier.
    * vencer un obstáculo = surmount + obstacle, conquer + barrier.

    * * *
    quitaron los obstáculos del camino they cleared the obstacles from the road, they cleared the road of obstacles
    superar or salvar un obstáculo to overcome an obstacle
    no fue obstáculo para que ganara it did not stop o prevent him (from) winning
    me puso muchos obstáculos he put many obstacles in my path
    el único obstáculo entre nosotros y la victoria the only obstacle between us and victory, the only thing that stands/stood between us and victory
    un obstáculo para el éxito del proyecto an obstacle to the success of the project
    * * *

    obstáculo sustantivo masculino
    obstáculo sustantivo masculino
    1 (dificultad) handicap: no hay ningún obstáculo para que estudies Derecho, there's nothing stopping you from studying Law
    2 (en un camino, etc) obstacle
    una carrera de obstáculos, an obstacle race
    ' obstáculo' also found in these entries:
    - esquivar
    - estorbo
    - franquear
    - insalvable
    - remover
    - salvar
    - sortear
    - vencer
    - allanar
    - apartar
    - brincar
    - chocar
    - eliminar
    - encontrar
    - saltar
    - subsanar
    - barrier
    - block
    - chief
    - clash
    - clear
    - get across
    - get over
    - get past
    - hazard
    - hurdle
    - impassable
    - impediment
    - jump
    - negotiate
    - obstacle
    - obstruction
    - pitfall
    * * *
    1. [impedimento] obstacle ( para to);
    poner obstáculos a algo/alguien to put obstacles in the way of sth/sb
    2. [en una carrera] hurdle
    * * *
    m obstacle;
    carrera de obstáculos obstacle race;
    ponerle obstáculos a alguien make things difficult for s.o.;
    ponerle obstáculos a algo make sth difficult
    * * *
    impedimento: obstacle
    * * *
    obstáculo n obstacle

    Spanish-English dictionary > obstáculo

См. также в других словарях:

  • Problem of evil — Part of a series on God General conceptions …   Wikipedia

  • problem — prob|lem W1S1 [ˈprɔbləm US ˈpra: ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(difficulty)¦ 2 3¦(question)¦ 4 no problem 5 the (only) problem is (that) ... 6 that s your/his etc problem 7 it s/that s not my problem 8 What s your/his etc problem? 9 Do …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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